
Is This New to You?

Let Our Oldest Inhabitants Certify-- What Was The Columbian Spy?
Some Names Appear Which are Famlllar

Through the kindness of W.H. Prewitt, we are permitted to present to our readers some facts recorded in The Columbian Spy No. 19 Vol. 3, dated Saturday, April 9, 1825. It is a four-page five-column sheet. Its editor was William Streeter. The subscription price was $2.50 per year in advance with the addition of 25 cents for every three months delay. Rate for advertising was $1 for one square (inch) three times. The articles on first page are:

...Daniel Brock (of Richmond) and Henry Slavens (of Irvine), lawyers in the Estill Circuit Court, say "The employment of me will secure the services of both. Letters directed to either of us will be attended to, if the postage is paid. H. Slavens will attend the Circuit Courts of Montgomery, Morgan, and Perry counties."

Mount Sterling (Kentucky) Advocate, January 28, 1903.