
Mr. Edward Slevin.

(from the Cincinnati Columbian, June 14)
In the telegraphic column yesterday it was announced, by what authority we don't know, that the lamented gentleman whose name heads this article had committed suicide in Louisville. We are informed by the family of the deceased, that there is no ground whatever for any such supposition, but that, on the contrary, from various circumstances which transpired on the day previous to Mr. Slevin's disappearance, it is beyond all doubt that his melancholy death was entirely accidental.

This is one of the many inexcusable liberties taken by telegraph operators, who appear to forget that a message sent by them over the wires gets into all the newspapers in the country, and notwithstanding that the report in question must be extremely painful to the family and friends of the deceased, an assertion is recklessly made which is entirely unsustained by any evidence.

We are of the opinion that it is the duty of the telegraph operator, like any other reporter. to record the simple facts as they occur and not to add any comments or opinions of his own.

Had the dispatch alluded to come under the eye of any of the conductors of this paper, it should not have been inserted, as we consider it an outrage upon the feelings of a family who are well known and highly esteemed in this community.

New York (New York) Evening Post, June 16, 1854.