
Slaven(s) in 1900 Oregon Soundex.

The following is a transcription of index cards bearing Slaven(s), Slavin(s), and similar surnames in the 1900 Federal Census Soundex for Oregon. The listing contains the head of household, township/precinct or city if listed, and county of residence, and the index number on the first line, and any additonal household members listed on the card on the second line. The format of the index number is volume-enumeration district-sheet-line. Index numbers do not correspond to a page number, but should help you locate the family fairly quickly in a listing or on microfilm.

Spelling is how the transcriber interpreted the card, and knowing how misspellings are common in census enumerations, take all spellings with a grain of salt.

Name                       Residence                                   Index No.

Amos Slavens 64            Warren Pct., Columbia County                3-6-12-64
  Elizabeth M. 60, May L. 20, Maud 17, Amos R. 25, hired man Joseph Nelson

Charles Slavens 18         Lacomb Pct., Linn County                    8-54-7-11
  with mother Eliza J. Williams

Daniel Slavens 40          Portland, Multnomah County                  13-82-17-23
  Marie 24, Georgie 5, Marion 4, brother John 36

David S. Slavin 36         Hamilton Pct., Grant County                 5-16-5-41
  lodger with Walter Davis

Elmer Slavin 11            Lang Creek, Grant County                    5-15-1-17
  with uncle George F. Ward

Frank Slavens 37           Scappoose Pct., Columbia County             3-6-16-73
  boarder with George W. Ramsey

Fred Slevens 40            Juniper Pct., Umatilla County               15-111-5-73

George W. Slavens 35       Crawfordsville, Linn County                 8-42-7-70
  Nellie 28, stepchildren Safrona Wright 10, Samuel L. Wright 9, Fred A. Wright 6,
  Alice A. Wright 2

Henry R. Slavens 32        Sweet Home Pct., Linn County                8-42-2-40
  mother Matilda 64

John Slavin 36             Portland, Multnomah County                  60?-40-27-34
  lodger with n.r.

John Slavin 74             Multnomah County                            13-98-1-87
  Emma R. 64, boarder Sarah Ethel Ross

John Slavin 3              Salem, Marion County                        9-129-3-31
  with grandmother Mary Sheridan

John W. Slavens 27         Lacomb Pct., Linn County                    8-51-7-10
  with mother Eliza J. Williams

Lyman F. Slavens 26        Klamath County                              6-26-7-89
  Susie L. 28

Marion F. Slavens 28       Warren Pct., Columbia County                3-6-13-23
  Kittie 23, Mabel G. 1, Charles C.C. 4/12

Nellie Slavin 35           Mt. Tabor, Multnomah County                 13-88-3-87
  Frank 19

there were no additional Slaven(s) surnames

Copyright © 2002 Larry Slavens. All rights reserved.