Name Residence County Description Acres Date Jane Slaven Faulkner NE1/2 31-7N-11W 160 May 25, 1836 as neice and only heir of John Franklin William Slaven Madison W1/2SW1/4 26-17N-24W 160 January 26, 1911 N1/2SE1/4 27-17N-24W Fletcher H. Slavens Randolph Co. Randloph SW1/4NE1/4 5-19N-3E 40 August 16, 1838 Henry Slavens Lawrence Co. Randolph NW1/4NE1/4 5-19N-3E 40 November 1, 1834 Henry Slavens Randolph Co. Randolph SW1/4SE1/4 32-20N-3E 40 August 16, 1838 Henry Slavens Randolph Co. Randolph E1/2NE1/4 5-19N-3E 80 August 16, 1838 John Slaven Sevier SW1/2 19-9S-29W 158.64 August 10, 1837 Robert Slaven Sevier SE1/2 6-11S-29W 160 November 10, 1841 (Matthew Gray, assignee of Robert Slaven) William Slaven Sevier Co. Sevier W1/2SE1/49-11S-29W 80 September 1, 1846
FamilySearch film 78424955 image 28 Sevier County, Arkansas Deed Book 1 p 14
I, Robert Slaven of the County of Sevier and the Territory of Arkansas for and in consideration of the sum of
$800 to me in hand paid by Mattew Gray of the County of Hempstead and the Territory aforesaid sell unto the said
Matthew Gray the following described tract of land: the southeast quarter of section 6 township 11 South, range 29
West, containing 160 acres, being the same parcel purchased by me at the land office at Washington, Arkansas. As
soon as I obtain a patent from the United States of America for the aforesaid parcel I will make or cause to be
made a good and sufficient deed in fee simple with general warrant for the aforesaid parcel. In testimony whereof
I hereunto set my hand and seal the 14th day of June 1836.
film 78424955 image 76 Sevier County, Arkansas Deed Book 1 p 105
This indenture made and entered into this 7th day of January 1839 between William Slaven and his wife Rebeca Slaven
of the State of Arkansas and County of Sevier of the one part and Robt. C. Gwin of the State of Missouri and County
of Jackson(?) of the other part in consideration of the sum of $675 sell the aforesaid Robt. C. Gwin a parcel of land
subject to entry at Washington, Arkansas, known as the west half of the southeast quarter of section 9 in township
11 South, range 29 West, containing 80 acres, now held by William Slaven and wife Rebeca Slaven by virtue of a patent
bearing the date of October 4, 1838, number 3718.
film 78424955 image 181 Sevier County, Arkansas Deed Book 1 p 302
This indenture made and entered into this 21st day of May 1842 between John Slaven and Hannah Slaven, his wife, of the
County of Sevier and State of Arkansas of the one part and David Foran of the County and State aforesaid of the second
part, in consideration of $1,000 sell a parcel of land known as the southwest quarter of section 19 in township 9 South,
range 29 West, containing 158 and 64/100th acres more or less.
Copyright © 2021 Larry Slavens. All rights reserved.