
Clay County, Indiana Courthouse Records

In description, location is given in section-township-range format. All persons named were listed as residents of Clay County, Indiana, unless otherwise noted. Names are spelled as they appear in the indexes.

Marriage Records.

Isaac E. Slaven        Florence Robert      September 6, 1891       book 8 

Margaret B. Slaven     Howard G. Cooper     March 1, 1891           book 8 p. 25

Samuel E. Slaven       Elsie Roberts        April 28, 1917          book 19 p. 524

Bertha Slavens         Martin Williams      May 16, 1897            book 9 p. 522

Charles L. Slavens     Maymie Roberts       May 11, 1920            book 22 p. 8

Eleanor Slaven         John Jackson         May 14, 1876            

George Slavens         Lovada L. Rogers     June 10, 1916           book 19 p. 188

James C. Slavens       Sarah E. Fritts      April 1, 1880           book 5 p. 119

Mary Slavens           Andrew Stroup        March 4, 1907           book 14 p. 108

Ollie B. Slavens       Mary M. Davis        August 3, 1898          book 10 p. 164

Nora B. Slavens        Rutherford B. Campbell December 6, 1899      book 10 p. 406

Birth Records.

child                  father        mother maiden name        sex  date               book page
Calvin E. Slavens      George        Lavada L. Rogers           M   October 15, 1916   H-14 41

George R. Slaven       Samuel        Elsie Roberts              M   May 22, 1920       H-13 28

Lottie R. Slaven       Isaac         Florence Roberts           F   April 18, 1917     H-13 23

Margaret Slaven        Isaac         Florence Roberts           F   January 4, 1911    H-13 4

Virginia Slaven        Samuel        Elsie Roberts              F   February 24, 1918  H-13 25

Slavens                James         ---- Fritz                 F   May 18, 1887       H-1  127

Slaven                 Isaac         Connie Roberts             M   Janury 24, 1896    H-4  9

Slavens                Ollie         ---- Davis                 M   Janury 21, 1904    H-8  7

Slaven                 Isaac         Florence Roberts           F   July 20, 1905      H-7  11

Slaven                 Isaac         Florence Roberts           M   April 9, 1908      H-7  15

Slavens                Bert          Lizzie Murry               M   June 18, 1908      H-11 17

Death Records.

name                   sex   age    date              location              book page

Malinda Slavens         F     2     August 10, 1906   Clay City             H-18 1

Noland Slavens          M     2     August 10, 1906   Clay City             H-17 73