Jackson County, Georgia tax list 1798.
(Microfilm is not available on FamilySearch (as of November 2021, anyway) but for Ancestry subscribers, it can be seen here.
Robert Slaven 50 acres 2nd grade land, 50 acres 3rd grade, originally granted to James Harper, adjoining property owned
by Reigh(?), on the waters of Fre[e]man Creek, taxed(?) 4 dimes 9 cents
William Slaven immediately follows, no entries except under tax(?) of 3 dimes 1 1/2 cents
(a few lines later)
John Slaven 48 acres 2nd grade land, 48 acres 3rd grade, originally granted to James Harper, adjoining property
owned by Morris, on the waters of Robertson Creek, taxed(?) 4 dimes 8 1/2 cents
Jackson County, Georgia tax list 1801.
(Microfilm is not available on FamilySearch (as of November 2021, anyway) but for Ancestry subscribers, it can be seen here.
Capt. William Lloyd District
John Slavan - only entry is in tax column, 31 1/4 cents
film 8153436 image 29 Clarke County, Georgia Tax Digest Book 1802
Slaven, John (Under qualities of land, there is a check mark in the 3rd grade land column, rather than
an acreage amount. A few other listings on the page have similar check marks in one of the columns instead
of a number.) Tax is 31 cents and??? 2 /2 mills. Since there is no land listed, the "County" column is also
blank. The line immediately above is for a man owning land in Green County; other counties on the page, for
Captain Lloyd's district, are Franklin and Clarke.
Jackson County, Georgia - Digest of Taxable Property for 1803
(from Georgia pioneers genealogical magazine - v. 8, no. 3 (Aug. 1971), accessed at
Capt. Sparks' District:
Slavin, William, trust. for John Slavin
Robert Slavin
Morgan County, Georgia Militia 1801-1813 from They were here : Georgia genealogical records - v. 4, no. 2 (June 1968)
accessed at FamilySearch
Capt. Crockett's District:
John Slaven
Wilkes County tax list, 1794, Col. Bailey's reg., Capt. Wm. Spruce's Company:
Norcut Slavin, 1 white male, 271 A. of 2-quality lands, fishing creek, Franklin County.
from Early Tax Digests of Georgia, edited by Ruth Blair, Georgia Dept. of Archives, 1926.
Georgia Land Lottery of 1806, Wilkes County
Capt. James Edge's District
Slaven, Nancy wid. 1
Slaven, Nancy, trustee for orphans of Norket Slaven, dec'd. 1
from Early Records of Georgia, Vol. I, Wilkes County, abstracted and
compiled by Grace Gillam Davidson, published 1933, Macon, Georgia.
Wilkes County Deed Book G.G, page 122:
Peter Stubblefield to Norcut Slaven, Taylor, 1 acre where Slaven now lives. July 16, 1790. F.
Sims, J.P., John Sims, test.
from Early Records of Georgia, Vol. II, Wilkes County, abstracted and
compiled by Grace Gillam Davidson, published 1933, Macon, Georgia.
Family record of Mrs. Howard McCall listing descendants of John Adair of Laurens County, SC.
John's son, John Fisher Adair, was married to Mary Radcliff Slaven,
daughter of Norcut Slaven and wife Ann Holliday of Wilkes County, Georgia.
from Roster of Revolutionary Soldiers in Georgia, Vol. III.
Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, Maryland, 1969.
From Morgan County, Georgia Marriage Book 1808-1811, page 118:
Polly Slaven to John F. Adair.