
Tax Lists.

film 8195641 image 48, from the McCubbins collection
List of Taxable Persons in Rowan County in the Year 1759.
Wm. Slevin

film number 7527197 Rowan County, North Carolina, Office of Register of Deeds, Historical Records vol. 1.
(Volume is a typewritten transcription of cemetery records, tax lists, and property valuations)

image 252 - List of names appearing in the Rowan County tax lists, 1778
Slaver, William   Captn. Nichols district
Slavin, Samuel   Captn. Reed district
(image 260) Samuel Slavin, £166
(image 262) William Slavin, £468

image 272 - Old Taxables, 1784
Slavin, William   George --- district

image 305 - Old Taxables Captain George [Locke? penciled in] 1784
William Slavin
[acres]   47
F[ree?]   1
B[lack?]   1

image 276 - Old Taxables, 1787
Slavin, William    Nichols district
Slavey, John   Campbell's district

image 324 - Captn Nichols old taxables 1787
Wm Slaven
1 WM 21-60
3 WM under 21 or over 60
4 WF
1 B 12-50
1 B under 12 or over 50

image 327 - Captn Campbell's old taxables 1787
John Slavey
1M 21-60
0M under 21 or over 60
3 F
[no blacks]

film 8673882 Gates County, North Carolina Tax Books.

Taxables for Gates County, NC 1784 image 8
Capt. Christ- Riddick's Company
John Slavin 1 free poll

Taxables for Gates County, NC 1785 image 20
Capt. Christ- Riddick's Company

John Slavin 1 free poll 1 black poll
Amount of each person's taxable property 1 - 4 - [0]
Cont'l tax [0] - 3 - [0]

Jethro Slavin 1 free poll
Amount of each person's taxable property [0] - 12 - [0]
Cont'l tax [0] - 1 - 6

(The column headings are my best guess. Taxable amounts are presumed to be pounds - shillings - pence. I have added a [0] where the column was blank.

I did not not find John nor Jethro in the 1786 list.

Taxables for Gates County, NC 1787 image 41
Capt. William Harrisss's Company

Jethro Slavin 1 free poll
(Amount of each person's taxable property?) [0] - 9 - [0]
(Cont'l tax?) [0] - 1 - 6

John Slavin 100 (acres? "Quantity in each tract") 1 free poll
(Amount of each person's taxable property?) [0] - 12 - [0]
(Cont'l tax?) [0] - 2 - [0]
The last two columns do not have headers on the initial listing but the amounts are formatted as per the 1785 tax list.

Taxables for Gates County, NC 1788 image 49
Capt. William Harrisss's Company

Jethro Slavin 1 free poll
(Amount of each person's taxable property?) [0] - 9 - [0]
(Cont'l tax?) [0] - 1 - 6

John Slavin 100 (acres? "Quantity in each tract") 1 free poll
(Amount of each person's taxable property?) [0] - 9 - [0]
(Cont'l tax?) [0] - 1 - 6
The last two columns do not have headers on the initial listing but the amounts are formatted as per the 1785 tax list.

Taxables for Gates County, NC 1789 image 56
Capt. William Harrisss's Company

Jethro Slavin 1 free poll
Amount of each person's taxable property [0] - 9 - [0]
Sinking fund [0] - 1 - 6

John Slavin 100 (acres? "Quantity in each tract") 1 free poll
Amount of each person's taxable property [0] - 9 - [0]
Sinking fund [0] - 1 - 6
The last two columns do not have headers on the initial listing but the amounts are formatted as per the 1785 tax list.

Taxables for Gates County, NC 1789
Yes, there are two entries for 1789 in the tax book. image 67
Capt. William Harrisss's Company

Jethro Slavin 1 free poll
Amount of each person's taxable property [0] - 9 - [0]
Sinking fund [0] - 1 - 6

Taxables for Gates County, NC 1790 image 73
Capt. William Harrisss's Company

Jethro Slavin 1 free poll
Amount of each person's taxable property [0] - 6 - [0]

Taxables for Gates County, NC 1791 image 83
Capt. William Harrisss's Company
Jethro Slavin 1 free poll
Amount of each person's taxable property [0] - 2 - [0]

Taxables for Gates County, NC 1792 image 91
Capt. William Harrisss's Company
Jethro Slavin 1 free poll
(Amount of each person's taxable property?) [0] - 2 - [0]
The last column does not have a header on the initial listing but the amounts are formatted as per the 1790 tax list.

No Slavin was found in the 1793 tax lists

Taxables for Gates County, NC 1794 image 110
Capt. William Harrisss's Company
Jethro Slavin 1 free poll

Taxables for Gates County, NC 1795 image 122
Capt. William Harrisss's Company
Jethro Slavin 1 free poll

Taxables for Gates County, NC 1796 image 126
Capt. William Harrisss's Company
Jethro Slavin 1 free poll

Taxables for Gates County, NC 1797 image 141
Capt. William Harrisss's Company
Jethro Slavin 1 free poll

Taxables for Gates County, NC 1798 image 148
Capt. William Harrisss's Company
Jethro Slavin 1 free poll

Taxables for Gates County, NC 1799 image 152
Capt. William Harrisss's Company
Jethro Slavin 1 free poll

Jethro Slavin does not appear in the 1800 tax list under Capt. William Harrisss's or any other company, nor does he appear in lists 1801-1804.

Rowan County, North Carolina Court Minutes.

Film # 007640166 Abstracts of minutes 1753-1795 (Rowan County, North Carolina)
Abstracts from the original records by a Mrs. McCubbins of Rowan County, NC.

Minute Book, 24 October 1755
Lease and release from Robert Tate to William Sleven for 300 acres.
(image 43)

Minute Docket, 19 October 1756
Lease and release from William Eslaven & wife Isable to John Luckie Jr. for 300 acres on Fourth Creek, waters of South Yadkin, April 20, 1756. Book 3 page 417
(image 58)

Minute Book, 21 July 1758
William Aslavin served on a jury
(image 80)

Minute Docket, 22 January 1761
Lease and release from James and Mary McManus to William Sleven for 640 acres, Dec. 29, 1760
(image 104)

Inferior Court Docket, 21 October 1761
William Slavin appointed to the Grand Jury.
(image 114)

Minute Docket, 21 January 1762
William Sleven served on a jury
(image 118)

Minute Docket, 21 April 1762
William Sleven served on a jury
(image 121)

Minute Docket, 22 April 1762
Archibald Cathey vs. William Asliven. Evidence: Robert Luckie, Matthew Long, Benjamin Milner, John Cathey Jr., Samuel Young, Thomas Dorchister, and James Carter. Defendant is not guilty, but appeal granted with George MGoune and Andrew Cathey as security.
(image 122)

Minute Docket, 13 Jan 1763
The will of William Aslavin was proved by Alexander Dobbin (a witness). Andrew Alison and William Luckey are executors.
(image 132)

Orphans Court, 16 January 1767
Ordered that William Asslavin, orphan to William Asslavin deceased, aged of 13 years, be bound unto Richard Graham, sad[d]ler, till he arrives to the age of 21 years, and he is to give him at the expiration of his time a set of working tools and horse bridle and saddle, to the value of £12.p.
(image 205)

Quarter sessions, 16 January 1767
(There is a entry concerning the probate of the William Asslavin estate that I can't make heads or tails of. I think it's reporting assets of £119 13s 5p with a balance due of £36 17s 1p for a total value of £156 10s 6p)
(image 205)

January term of court 1767 - Estate settlement of Wm. S. Eslaven (Asslavin). To the widow, to Robert S. Eslaven, to Susanna Eslaven, to Sarah Eslaven, to Ann Eslaven.
(image 713)

Superior Court Execution Docket, 1770
Hugh Montgomery vs. Robert Slavin
(the next line is Hugh Montgomery vs. Daniel Boone-- yes, the Daniel Boone.)
(image 702)

Inferior Court, 4 Aug 1774
Richard Graham, sadler, surrenders his indenture upon William Slaven his apprentice, with the permission of the court.
(image 322)

Inferior Court, 10 Feb 1775
William Sleven to Hugh Montgomery, 320 acres, Jan. 10 1775, proved by Alexander Brown
(image 335)

Inferior Court, 6 May 1775
John Slavan is one of the men named to serve as a juror on the court of oyer for the Salisbury district, June 1 next.
(image 341)

Inferior Court, November term 1775
Matthew Troy vs. William Slaven
(image 700)

Inferior Court, 8 May 1781
Noncupative will of Samuel Slaven proved and admitted to record. Thomas Pennery is the executor
(image 407)

Inferior Court, 1782
Will Slaven a saddler & wife Jean of Rowan to Chr. Beekman lot #3 i Wsg July 3, 1779
(image 419)

Inferior Court, 6 Feb 1782
Issue commission to examine Jean Slaven respecting the execution of a Deed from Will Slaven & ux. to Chr. Beekman.
(image 416)

Inferior Court, 6 Feb 1782
Deed proved: Will Slaven (saddler) and ux. Jean Slaven to Chr. Beekman, lot 33 in W Sq. 3 July 1779.
(image 419)

Quarter Sessions, 1788
(Following an earlier entry dated 9 Feb. 1788)
Causes tried as of yesterday...
James Taylor vs. William Bell and William Slaven... £0-5-0
(image 518)

Inferior Court, 10 August 1793
Report from Thomas Penry, executor of the estate of Samuel Eslaven
Amount of sales in deprecated money    £2171 1s 4p
Vouchers for disbursement    £1629 5s 2p
Balance in executor's hands    £541 16s 2p
Amount of sales in specie    £100 15s 4p
Vouchers for disbursement    £59 14s 10p
Balance in hands of executor    £48 0s 6p
(image 621)

Iredell County Court Minutes Extracts.

FamilySearch film 7896645 Minutes of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Iredell County, North Carolina, 1789-1800.

image 38 p. 65 17 May 1791 Jacob Wilson vs. Will Slaven. Plaintiff called, failed to appear. Not prosecuted.

image 62 p. 112 20 Nov 1792 William Slavin vs. James Taylor. Jury charged: nonsuit.

image 67 p. 123 20 Feb 1793 Will Slaven to Jacob Nichols. Bill of sale for a negro. 11 Dec. 1792. Proven by Francis Nichols.

image 82 p. 154 20 Feb 1794 Bill of sale from Will Slaven to John Simonton for a negro names Phebe. Dec. 6, 1793. Proven by Will Simonton.

image 83 p. 156 20 Feb 1794 Indenture between Will Slaven, John Nesbit, and James Kerr, trustees of Jean Bailey. May 7, 1776. Proven by Adam Lawrance.

image 202 p. 392 James Slavin to George Robertson. Bill of sale for a lot in Statesville dated 22 Feb 1798. Proven by Abraham Hill.


John Carson and Sarah Slaven, August 31, 1775, Robert Nevins, bondsman, David Flowers, witness.
Johnathan Leuling and Jean Slavin, August 20, 1816, Samuel Penery, bondsman, R. Powell, witness.
John Marlen and Mary Slavey, August 6, 1804, Daniel Clary bondsman, Ad. Osburn, witness.

from Marriages of Rowan County, North Carolina 1753-1868, compiled by Brent H. Holcomb, Genealogical Publishing Co., Baltimore, 1986.


Abstract of Conveyances compiled from the records in the office of the Registrar of Deeds for Chowan County, at Edenton, N.C.
William Powell, to John Robeson, 100 acres, part of a patent granted to Alexander Camrill, March 9, 1717-8, bought by Richard Slavin and given said Powell; October 8, 1734. Test, William Perry, Constance Luten, Will Tiner.
from North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register. Volume 1. No. 1., J.R.B. Hathaway, editor and financial agent, Edenton, N.C., 1900.