The deeds below are presented in chronological order to aid in tracking the holdings of the Eslaven/Slaven
family through the years. Also, keep in mind that Rowan County was created from part of Anson County in 1753,
Mecklenburg was struck off from Anson in 1762, and Iredell struck off of Rowan in 1788.
The following are extractions of the important information from the deeds, with enough of the original phrasing
and spelling retained for flavor. You can view the images of the deed books by going to
the catalog search page at FamilySearch,
clicking "Film/Fiche/Image Group Number (DGS)" to open that search box, and entering the film number. Follow
the link to the listing page, find the film by the number, and click the camera icon to open the film viewer.
Enter the image number in the appropriate box to go to the image. (You will need a free FamilySearch login.)
film 7517719 image 53-4 Rowan County, North Carolina Deed Book 3 p 40-1
Indenture made the 25th day of October 1755 between Robert Tate and William Sleven, both of Rowan County,
North Carolina, for the sum of five shillings sterling, for a parcel of land on the north side of Fourth Creek
containing 300 acres.
film 7517719 image 55-7 Rowan County, North Carolina Deed Book 3 p 42-3
Indenture made the 27th day of October 1755 between Robert Tate and William Sleven, both of Rowan County,
North Carolina, for the sum of seventeen pounds current money, for a parcel of land on the north side of
Fourth Creek containing 300 acres.
(The above two deeds are for the same plots of land, and are different in the portion after the property description.
The first indenture includes a clause about paying a rent of one peppercorn at the Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel.
I understand that peppercorn rents were a legal device to create or maintain title, with a low initial payment in
Proclamation Money and the peppercorn rent was to establish title with the "real" purchase made the following day.)
film 7517719 image 431-2 Rowan County, North Carolina Deed Book 3 p 418-9
Indenture made the twenty-first of April 1756 between William Eslaven, planter, and Isabel his wife, of the one part,
and John Luckie Junior of the other part, all of Rowan County, for thirty-two pounds lawful money of the province, for
a parcel of land in Rowan County on the north side of Fourth Creek, being the waters of the South Yadkin, containing
300 acres more or less, which was originally granted to Robert Tate by indenture on January 29, 1755. (The document
reproduces William's and Isabel's marks in lieu of a signature as a circle with a line extending to the "11 o'clock"
position for William, and as a circle with a dot in the center for Isabel.)
film 7510449 image 66 Anson County, North Carolina Deed Book 1 page 229
Indenture made the 8th day of September 1756 between William Alexander of Rowan County and William Steven (sic)
of the same county, for the consideration of five proc[lamtion] money for a plot of land lying on the south side
of the Catawba River containing approximately 300 acres, granted by his majesty's patent to James Armor in 1750,
and an adjoining parcel of 150 acres originally granted to George Cathay in 1753.
film 7510449 image 68-9 Anson County, North Carolina Deed Book 1 page 231
Indenture made the 9th day of September 1756 between William Alexander of Rowan County and William Steven (sic)
of the same county, for the consideration of twenty-five pounds for a plot of land lying on the south side of the
Catawba River containing approximately 300 acres, granted by his majesty's patent to James Armor in 1750, and an
adjoining parcel of 150 acres originally granted to George Cathay in 1753.
(The deed book is a modern typewritten transcription of earlier records, and while the buyer has been transcribed
as "William Steven," this is the land later sold by Isabel Slaven/Esleven after William's death.)
film 7517720 image 376 Rowan County, North Carolina Deed Book 4 p 367
Indenture made the 29th day of December 1760 between James McManus and Mary his wife of Anson County, North Carolina,
of the one part and William Sleven of Rowan County of the second part, in consideration of five shillings sterling
money for a parcel of land in the County of Bladen (now Rowan), containing 640 acres. The indenture includes a
"peppercorn rent" clause.
film 7517720 image 376-8 Rowan County, North Carolina Deed Book 4 p 367-9
Indenture made the 30th day of December 1760 between James McManus and Mary his wife of Anson County, North Carolina,
of the one part and William Sleven of Rowan County of the second part, in consideration of forty-five pounds current
money of North Carolina for a parcel of land in the Rowan County (formerly Bladen), containing 640 acres, as per deed
of the said James McManus from My Lord Certeret, bearing the date April 27, 1751
film 7513716 image 560-1 Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Deed Book 2 page 361-2
Indenture made the 12th day of January 1764 between Isabel Esleven, widow and relict of William Esleven, deceased,
and Andrew Allison and William Luckey, executors, of the first part and Thomas Price of Mecklenburg County of the
second part, for the consideration of five shillings sterling, for two plots of land. One lying on the south side
of the Catawba River of approximately 300 acres, granted by the King to James Armor in 1750, then to William Alexander
and to William Esleven. The other adjoining the first plot, approximately 150 acres, granted by the King to George
Cathey, then to William Alexander and on 8 September 1756 to William Esleven.
film 7513716 image 561-2 Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Deed Book 2 page 361-3
Indenture made the 12th day of January 1764 between Isabel Esleven, widow and relict of William Esleven, deceased,
and Andrew Allison and William Luckey, executors, of the first part and Thomas Price of Mecklenburg County of the
second part, for the consideration of forty-two pounds and ten shillings Proclamation money of North Carolina, for two plots of land.
The first on the south side of the Catawba River of approximately 300 acres, granted by the King to James Armor in
1750, then to William Alexander and on 9 September 1756 to William Esleven. The other adjoining the first plot,
approximately 150 acres, granted by the King to George Cathey, then to William Alexander and on 8 September 1756 to
William Esleven.
(As with the original deeds in the Anson County deed book excerpted above, there are two deeds for this sale, again
differing in wording in the second half and the first again containing the bit about rent of peppercorn at the Feast
of Saint Michael. Also, while the deeds in this deed book are handwritten copies of the original documents, it's
interesting to note that Isabel's mark in lieu of a signature is reproduced as a stylized "E" or perhaps a combination
of an "I' and "E" where the letters share the vertical line, evidence that William and Isabel used the "Esleven"
spelling of the name.)
film 7517723 image 103-4 Rowan County, North Carolina Deed Book 7 p. 92-3
Indenture made the twenty-sixth day of August 1768 between Benjamin Moore, gentleman, and his wife Alice of Rowan
County of the first part, and Jane Bailie (a minor) of the second part, in consideration of fourteen pounds proclamation
money paid by the said Jane Bailie (or Isabella Moore on her account), a lot or tenement of land in Salisbury Township,
distinguished in the plan of said Town by the name of Number Three in the West Square.
(This property was later sold by William Slaven, saddler, after his marriage to Jane Bailie/Bailey.)
film 7517724 image 268-70 Rowan County, North Carolina Deed Book 8 p. 265-6
Indenture made the tenth day February 1775 between William Slavin of Rowan County of the one part and Hugh Montgomery,
merchant, of the Town of Salisbury of the other part, in consideration of one hundred pounds proclamation money, a parcel
of land containing 320 acres, being one-half of a tract of land granted by the Right Honorable Earl Granville to James
McManus by deed bearing the date the twenty-seventh day of April 1751 and from James McManus and Mary his wife by deed
and lease & release bearing the dates of the 29th and 30th days of December 1760 to William Slavan and by the last will
and testament of said William Slavan the said one-half of the said tract of land being the upper part thereof to said
William Slaven his son.
film 7517741 image 487-9 Rowan County, North Carolina Deed Book 21 page 906
Indenture made 31st day of August 1775 between Robert Esleven and wife Agnes Sleving (sic) of Berkeley County, Virginia,
blacksmith, of the first part, and Hugh Montgomery of Rowan County of the other part, in consideration of the sum of one
hundred pounds current money of North Carolina, for 370 acres of land being half of the tract granted by Earl Granville
to James McMann in 1751, deeded to William Slevin in December 1760, and by the last will and testament devised to the said
Robert Esleven (or Sleven)
film #7540065 image 488-9 Iredell County, North Carolina Deed Book B page 220
Indenture made 27 May 1776 between William Slavin of Rowan County, North Carolina, sad[d]ler, on one part and John Nesbit,
merchant, of said County and James Kerr of Salisbury in the same County, innholder, of the other part. Whereas a marriage is intended by the
profession of God shortly to be had and solemnized by and between the said William Slavin and Jane Baily of said County,
daughter of Isabella Moore, and whereas the said Jane Baily was lately heretofore possessed in her own right of one certain
Negro Wench named Poll, and also one Lott of land in the town of Salisbury, and the said John Nesbit and James Kerr lately
heretofore were appointed trustees in behalf of the said Jane Baily, in order by an instrument of writing for that purpose
to be invested with the property of the said Negro Wench and also to stand seized of the Lott of Land for the sole and
separate use of the said Jane Baily to be at her disposal not subject to the disposal or control of any after taken(?)
Husband and not liable to the payment of the debts of any such Husband. Now this indenture witnesseth that in consideration of the
intended marriage and pursuant to the said appointment of trustees, he the said William Slavin doth hereby covenant,
promise, grant, and agree to and with the said John Nisbet and James Kerr there ???????? in manner following (that is to say)
that in case of said intended marriage shall take effect, they the said John Nisbet and James Kerr may and shall be invested
with the property of said Negro Wench and issue, if any, and stand ???? of the said Lott of land in Salisbury for the sole
and separate use and benefit of the said Jane Baily and her heirs, not subject to the control(?) of him the said William
Slavin, or liable to the payment of his debts, and that the said William Slavin all times hereafter shall and will do,
make, and execute any further grant, conveyance, and assurance(?) in the law for the further and ???? conveying, assuring(?),
and ???? the said Negro Wench and her issue if any and the said Lott of Land for the sole and separate use of the said
Jane Baily, as aforesaid which shall be reasonably devised, advised and required. And further that it shall and my be lawful
not withstanding(?) her coverture, and whether she be sole or married at any time or times during her life, by any writing
or writing under her hand and attested by two or more creditable witnesses or by her last will and testament, to
sell, make over or convey the said Negro Wench and issue if any and the said Lott of Land or cause the same to be sold
and to give, bequeath, devise, or dispose of in any manner at her free will and pleasure the said Negro Wench and issue
if any, and the said Lott of Land or monies arising from the sale thereof provided that if the said Negro Wench and issue
if any and the said Lott of Land or either of them shall be sold during the marriage, of the said William and Jane,
the sale shall be made with the consent of the said John Nisbet and James Kerr or the survivors of or person or persons
chosen trustees in their room? and further that the said William Slavin shall not nor will at any time hereafter, obstruct
or hinder the said Jane in making such(?) writing will or disposition as aforesaid or causing the said Negro and issue if any
and the said Lott to be sold with the consent, advice and approbation of the said John Nisbet and James Kerr or other
trustees duly appointed in their Room(?) and Stead, but that he the said William Slavin shall and will make and execute
any lawful act or thing for making good conforming and corroborating the said sale and disposition according to the true
intent and meaning thereof to the ??????? that shall ?????? with the consent as aforesaid and for the purpose make and
??????? such proper conveyances and assurances(?) in the Law as by counsel learned in the law shall be reasonably devised
advised or required. And the said William Slavin doth further covenant, grant, promise and agree to and with the said
John Nisbet and James Kerr that he the said William Slavin shall not and will not at any time without the knowledge
and consent of the said Jane Baily and the said John Nisbet and James Kerr bargain or sell or attempt to sell, dispose of,
or make away with the said Negro Wench or issue if any or the said lot of land and shall not and will not without such
knowledge and consent do make or execute any manner of Bill of Sale, lease, release, and conveyance or assurance(?)
whatsoever in order to make over or convey the said Negro wench or issue or the said Lott of Land to any purchaser
whatsoever, and the said John Nisbet and James Kerr do hereby covenant, promise and grant that all and whatever interest
in the premises(?) they shall be invested with, possessed, or stand seized of, they the said John Nisbet and James Kerr
will hold in trust for the sole and separate use and benefit of the said Jane, and all the monies that shall arise from any
sale of the said premises as aforesaid and be lodged(?) in their hands as aforesaid they the said John Nisbet and James Kerr
shall and will at all times pay into such and in such parts and proportion manner and form as she the aforesaid Jane
shall from time to time notwithstanding her coverture by any note or writing under her hand divest or appoint to the
intent that the same may not be at the disposal or subject or liable to the control, debts or engagements of the said
William Slavin her intended husband but only at her own sole and separate disposal. And it is hereby agreed and
declared that the receipts of the said Jane without the said William Slavin her intended husband shall from time to time
notwithstanding her coverture be sufficient discharges to the said John Nisbet and James Kerr for such sums for which
such receipt shall be given. In testimony whereof the said William Slavin, John Nisbet and James Kerr have hereunto set their
hands and affixed their seals the day and year first above written.
North Carolina, Iredell County, February Sessions 1794.
The execution of the within indenture was proven in open court by Adam Lauranee(?). The same is recorded in the Clerk's
office. Ordered to be registered,
(Wow. Obviously whoever drew up this agreement was paid by the word. It's interesting in several points, first in
naming the impending wife of William Slavin, the saddler son of William and Isabel Luckie Slaven/Eslavin. And
that Jane Baily/Bailey is the daughter of Isabella Moore. (It pains me
to transcribe "Negro Wench" but I feel that ignoring and omitting the references would also be an injustice.)
The indenture explains why, when the town lot was sold, Jane was examined in court before clear title was given
(see the Early North Carolina Records page).
What's not explained is why, when the indenture was written in 1776,
it wasn't proven in court and registered until 1794. Had Jane died so ownership of the slave needed to be passed
to the heirs of her body? Was William planning to sell the slave? Was the family joining the many area residents
who had "Gone to Georgia"?)
film 7513718 image 461 Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Deed Book 7 p. 120
Indenture made the 13 day of May 1779 between Thomas Polk, attorney for David Oliphant on the one part and Robert Slavey,
both of Mecklenburg County, for 110 pounds ??? money, all that tract or parcel of land on both sides of Crooked Creek
containing 252 acres.
film 7517725 image 148-9 Rowan County, North Carolina Deed Book 9 p. 145-6
Indenture made the third day of July 1779 between William Slaven, sad[d]ler and Jean his wife of Rowan County,
North Carolina, and Christopher Beekman, merchant, of Burke County, North Carolina, for the sum of sixty pounds,
for a certain lot of land in the township of Salisbury, containing 140 square poles, known in the plan of said town
by the name of Number Three in the West Square, which was conveyed from Benjamin Robinson and Ealce (sic) his wife
unto Jane Bailie by deed of conveyance on the sixth day of August 1768.
film 7517728 image 242 Rowan County, North Carolina deeds vol. 12 p. 224
John Sleven for the sum of fifty shillings per 100 acres, is granted 100 acres in Rowan County, lying on the waters
of Hunting Creek, 4 November 1784, Yielding and paying such sums of money yearly, or otherwise as our general assembly
from time to time may direct. Provided always that the said John Sleven shall cause this grant to be registered in
the Register's office in our said county of Rowan within twelve months after the date hereof, otherwise the same
shall be void and of no effect.
film 7517728 image 243 Rowan County, North Carolina deeds vol. 12 p. 225
John Sleven for the sum of fifty shillings per 100 acres, is granted 300 acres in Rowan County, lying on the waters
of Hunting Creek, 4 November 1784. Yielding and paying such sums of money yearly, or otherwise as our general assembly
from time to time may direct. Provided always that the said John Sleven shall cause this grant to be registered in
the Register's office in our said county of Rowan within twelve months after the date hereof, otherwise the same
shall be void and of no effect.
I have not found a later deed for John selling these properties, although see below the 1798 sale of this land
by Benjamin Boon.
film 7513720 image 302 Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Deed Book 12 p. 589-90
Indenture made the twenty-seventh day of March 1786 between Robert Slavy of the one part and David Cuthburtson
of the other part, both of Mecklenburg County, for the sum of one hundred fifty pounds proclamation money for a
parcel of land on both sides of Crooked Creek, excluding his own improvement, containing 252 acres more or less.
(Noted that in the deed the surname is spelled both "Slavy" and "Slavey," while the reproduction of his signature
is "Sleven.")
film 7517729 image 304
On 5 August 1793 Benjamin Boone of Rowan County sold Thomas Penry of Rowan County 300 acres on the east side
of Hunting Creek, part of three tracts sold to Boone by his father John Boone and John Eslaven. The land shared
a border with land belonging to John Eslaven. Thomas Penry is likely the husband of Ann Slaven.
film 7517733 image 252
On 19 February 1798 Benjamin Boon and wife Mary of Iredell County sold James Johneasy(?) of Rowan County 300
acres on the waters on Hunting Creek, part of the two grants from the State of North Carolina to John Slaven on
4 November 1784.
film 7540063 image 475-6 Iredell County, North Carolina Deed Book F page 71
Indenture made 10th day of August 1805 between Robert Work, Esquire, High Sheriff of the County of Iredell, North Carolina,
on the one part and Colonel Richard Alison (sic) of Iredell County of the other part. Whereas by virtue of three execution
issuing from the County Court of Iredell against William Slavin, saddler, for the sum of fifty-eight pounds eleven shillings
and six pence which said sum was recovered by Valentine Tucker of the said William Slaven as on record may appear and whereas
the said execution was directed and delivered to the said Robert Worke, Esquire, High Sheriff as aforesaid, commanding him
that of the goods and chattels, lands & tenements of the said William Slaven he should cause to be made the aforesaid sum
fifty pounds 11/6 to sales(?) the said execution with the cost thereon and the said R. Worke, sheriff, as aforesaid, in
pursuance, and by virtue of his office and the aforesaid execution, did seize and take into his hands and custody on goods
and chattels to be found, a certain piece or parcel of land situate lying & being in the said county of Iredell, bounded
as follows... containing by estimation 136 acres be the same more or less being originally granted to David Beall (deceased?)
as of record will more fully and at large appear. And the said Robert Worke after due advertisement according to law did cause
the said piece of one parcel of land, with all the appurtenance thereunto belonging to be put up at public sale to the highest
bidder on the 10th day of August 1805 at which time and place the aforesaid Richard Alison became the last and highest bidder
at the sum of seventy one dollars for the said lands with the appurtenances thereunto belonging. (Deed then continues with
standard language conveying the property from the sheriff to Alison.)
film 7540063 image 714-5 Iredell County, North Carolina Deed Book F page 502-4
Indenture made this 13th day of September 1805 between William Slaven and John Nisbet, both of Iredell County, for consideration
of twenty-five dollars for a parcel of land on the south fork of the Yadkin River in Iredell County, containing 153 acres more
or less, originally granted to David Baggerly and conveyed to George Summers and by Summers to William Slaven. It is hereby
expressly conditioned and agreed that in the case said William Slaven pays John Nisbet twenty-five silver dollars with lawful
interest, everything therein contained shall utterly cease and to all intents and purposes as if this indenture had never
been made; in case default shall happen in the payment of the aforesaid sum and interest it may be lawful for the said John
Nisbet peaceably to enter into, have, hold, occupy, possess, and enjoy the before mentioned land and premises in his own name.
(In other words, William Slaven is mortgaging this land for $25. In the September 26, 1806 Weekly
Raleigh Register, this property is listed among those to be sold November 17, 1806, for nonpayment of taxes.)
film 7540062 image 267-8 Iredell County, North Carolina Deed Book G page 449
Indenture made 28 September 1810 between William Slevin of the first part and Charles Baggerly of the second part, both of
Iredell County, North Carolina, for the sum of fifty dollars and 25 cents, for a parcel of land of 75 acres lying on the
South Yadkin River, being part of a tract conveyed to William Slevin by George Summers containing 153 acres.
film 7540062 image 337 Iredell County, North Carolina Deed Book G page 582
John Nesbit releases a mortgage created on 13 Sept(?) 1805 by William Slaven on a 153 acre tract of land he lived on, on
the waters of the south fork of the Yadkin River, upon the payment of twenty-five dollars plus interest on the 22nd day
of May 1811.
film 7540061 image 487-8 Iredell County, North Carolina Deed Book J page 875-7
Indenture made this July 25, 1817 between William Slavin and David Beggerly, both of Iredell County, in consideration of
the sum of twenty-four dollars lawful money of the United States, for a parcel of land upon the south side of the South
Yadkin River, containing 12 acres more or less, being part of a tract of land originally granted to said David Baggerly
the ninth day of August 1787, conveyed to George Summers and then conveyed by the said Summers to the said William Slaven
by deed the 29th day of May 1805
film 7540060 images 367 Iredell County, North Carolina Deed Book M page 20
William Slaven, heir at law of Samuel Slaven, deceased, who served as a musician in Capt. McKeen Company 7th Regiment
North Carolina in the Revolutionary War, appoints Josiah Hall of Henderson County, Tennessee, his attorney to ask and
demand of the Secretary of the State of North Carolina or the Board of Commissioners of the University of the State of
North Carolina &(?) Military Land Warrant of my right of heirship to the same use as the legal heirs of Sam'l Slaven,
deceased, and to give such receipts as may be lawful and proper for the discharging my claim to the same, and in my name
and stead make and transfer on said warrant to whom he may think proper and to do all acts for recovery of said land
warrant, sell and transfer the same in as full and ample a manner as if myself could do was personally present to appoint
one or more attorney or attorneys or causing him ??vesting time with ??????? power of himself ??? power at pleasure to
revoke hereby ratifying confirming everything my attorney or his substitute attorneys may lawfully do in and about the
premises ?????? whereof I have hereunto have set my hand affixed my seal this twelfth day of April 1825.
film 7540060 image 398 Iredell County, North Carolina Deed Book M page 80
Indenture made the seventeenth day of February 1825 between William Slaven of the first part and Josiah Hall of Henderson
County, Tennessee, and John N. Hart of Iredell County, North Carolina of the second part, for one hundred dollars, that
certain piece or parcel of land containing by estimation one thousand acres more or less situated in the tenth district,
fifth range, first section in the State of Tennessee, Lafayette County, as entered the 29th day of December 1820 by virtue
of a military warrant No. 601, No. of Entry 381, for one thousand acres ???? to the Trustees of the University of North
Carolina for the military services of Samuel Slaven, a musician in the continental line of North Carolina. Deed registered
July 7, 1825.
film 7540074 image 659-60 Iredell County, North Carolina Deed Book Q page 398
Indenture made the 13th day of October 1834 between John Slaven and wife Martha to John Hoover, both of the County of
Iredell, North Carolina, for $130 for a piece of parcel of land on the waters of I-L Creek(?) containing 116 acres
film 7540073 image 619 Iredell County, North Carolina Deed Book T page 48
This indenture witnesseth that John Slaven of Iredell County in consideration of two hundred dollars grant to John H.
McLaughlin a tract of land on the waters of Fourth Creek containing 140 acres more or less. John Slaven hath hereunto
set his hand and seal this 20th day of February A.D. 1839.
film 7540071 image 776 Iredell County, North Carolina Deed Book Y page 638
Indenture made this 13th day of January 1849 between William Goodman and Robert Slaven, both of the county of Iredell,
for the consideration of 105 dollars for a parcel of land in Iredell County containing 45 and a half acres more or less.
film 7540071 image 795 Iredell County, North Carolina Deed Book Y page 672
Indenture made this 24th day of February 1851 between George Mills and Robert C Slaven, both of Iredell County, for the
consideration of sixty dollars, for a parcel of land in Iredell County containing 12 acres more or less.
film 7540076 image 152 Iredell County, North Carolina Deed Book 4 page 261
Indenture made the seventh day of March 1862 between Henry G Tyler and Robert C Slaven, both of Iredell County, for the
consideration of forty-four dollars and fifty cents, for a parcel of land in Iredell County containing 11 acres and 107
poles more or less.
film 7540073 image 323-4 Iredell County, North Carolina Deed Book 6 p 623
Indenture made 30th day of April 1873 between R.C. Slaven and wife Mary C. of Iredell County of the one part and Jefferson
Westmoreland of the other part in consideration of $75 for a parcel of land containing 17(?)1/2 acres
film 7540094 image 295 Iredell County, North Carolina Deed Book 15 p 556
Indenture made the 19th day of January 1886 between Robert Slaven and wife Caroline of the first part and Mary Arthurs,
their daughter, of the second part, in consideration of natural love and affection and in further consideration that Mary
Arthurs and her husband Henry T. Arthurs will pay the parties of the first part one-fourth of the crops of grain, sorghum,
cotton, and tobacco that might be produced on the lands, a parcel of land in Chambersburg Township containing 65 acres
more or less.