
John Slaven's

Now on this 9th day of May A.D. 1867 comes Ann Cassidy and files her petition herein in words figures following to wit: To the County Judge of the County of Polk, Iowa: The petition of Ann Cassidy of the Township of Walnut in the County of Polk respectfully showeth: that Charles Slaven of St. Joseph, State of Missouri, died in or about the month of October 1862; he left no personal property and John Slaven infant child who is now under the age of fourteen years, to wit: five years on March 8, 1867. That he also left one city lot in St. Joseph, Missouri, unimproved and unproductive, said infant being the only child of said Charles Slaven and that the said infant resides in Township of Walnut, County of Polk, and has no personal guardian, your petitioner being the mother of the said infant, and desirous that she the said Ann Cassidy of the Township of Walnut, County of Polk, State of Iowa, may be appointed guardian to the said infant, to the end that his estate may be managed to the best advantage. That the personal property of the said infant is nothing. Your petitioner therefore prays that the said Ann Cassidy may be appointed guardian of the said infant as aforesaid.

Ann Cassidy
(by her mark)

Be it remembered that on this 9th day of May 1867, the petitioner above named personally appeared before me, the County Judge of said county, and made oath that the matters set forth in the above petition by her subscribed, were true to her knowledge, information and belief.

John G. Weeks
County Judge, County of Polk

I do hereby consent to become the guardian of the above named infant so above prayed. Dated May 9, 1867.

Ann Cassidy
(by her mark)

And the county decreeing the the said Ann Cassidy a fit person for such trust, appointed her the Guardian of the person and estate of said minor, John Slaven, and having given bond in the penal sum of two hundred dollars with John Castello as surety, which has been approved by the county court and has taken the oath required by law. It is hereby ordered by the court that said Ann Cassidy be and she is hereby appointed and qualified to act as such guardian.

The Letters of Guardianship herein are in the words and figures following, to wit:

State of Iowa, Polk County, ss.

To all whom these present shall come: Whereas John Slaven, now of Polk County, Iowa, only infant heir at law of Charles Slaven, late of St. Joseph, Missouri, deceased, are entitled to certain estate in St. Joseph and wherein Ann Cassidy, the mother of said John Slaven, appeared in the county court of said county of Polk, on the 9th day of May, A.D. 1867, and applied for Letters of Guardianship of the person and the estate of said minor, the said Ann Cassidy has entered in Bonds for the faithful performance of her duty and has taken the oath prescribed by law, now therefor know ye, and all to whom it may concern, that the said Ann Cassidy is hereby appointed Guardian of the person and estate, Real and Personal, of John Slaven, the said minor heir of Charles Slaven, deceased, as aforesaid, with full power to take charge of the person and to demand, sue for, and take possession of all money and estate belonging to her said ward and in general, to do all other acts which appertain to her in her capacity and as the law shall charge her. In testimony whereof, the county judge of said county hath hereunto set his hand and caused the seal of said county to be affixed.

And it is so ordered that so soon as any goods, chattels, or effects of the said ward shall come into the hands of the said guardian, she shall at once provide to him the same appraised, and report the same to this court. And (blank) are hereby appointed appraisers for that purpose.

J.S. Weeks, County Judge

Polk County, Iowa, probate record volume 4, 1866-7, and filmed probate file.