Hendricks County, Indiana Deed Index Entries
George and Sally Fleece to Milton Slavens for $850, 24A off the south end W1/2SW1/4 18-16-2W
March 30, 1866 vol. 30 p. 358
Milton Slavens to Willis Slavens for $850, 24A off the south end W1/2SW1/4 18-16-2W
April 11, 1868 vol. 32 p. 457
Mary and Milton Slavens, quit claim deed to William H.H. Bryan for $250, undivided half
of W1/2NW1/4 19-16-2W 32.5A February 13, 1869 vol. 36 p. 562
Mary and Milton Slavens of Putnam County, Indiana, to David Chadd for $600, 16.5A off
north end of south part of W1/2NW1/4 19-16-2W October 12, 1876 vol 47 p. 107
Mary and Milton Slavens of Putnam County, Indiana, to James Chadd for $600, 16.5A off
south end of south part of W1/2NW1/4 19-16-2W October 12, 1876 vol 47 p. 107
Mary Ann and Willis Slavens quit claim deed to Josiah D. Nyrum for $175, undivided
1/16th part of E1/2NE1/4 19-16-2W and W1/2NW1/4 24-16-2W, etc. December 13, 1877 vol 49 p. 364
Sheriff sale deed to satisfy judgment of $960.59 damages plus $47.11 costs, Jesse Eggers against
Willis and Mary Slavens, 33A of south end W1/2SW1/4 18-16-2W vol. 50 p. 175
William H. Ragan and wife to Willis Slavens for $1000, part of S1/2NE1/4 19-16-2W 35A
April 19, 1886 vol. 65 p. 410
Willis or Mary A. Slavens to James T. Blaydes of Putnam County, Indiana, for $2500, part of
N1/2NW1/4 19-16-2W 72A July 2, 1887
Charles W. and Eva Davis to Willis Slavens for $560, lot 2 block 6 Duckworth's addition to
North Salem March 25, 1892 vol. 75 p. 114
Willis and Mary A. Slavens to John J. Clay for $1100, part of E1/2NE1/4 19-16-2W and
part of W1/2 NW1/4 20-16-2W 35A October 17, 1891 vol. 72 p. 461
Heirs of Francis Davis quit claim deed to Willis Slavens for $1, lot 2 block 6 Duckworth's
addition to North Salem October 16, 1899 vol. 86 p. 385
Willis Slavens to Leah Hodge for $700, lot 2 block 6 Duckworth's addition to North Salem
October 23, 1899 vol. 87 p. 79