
Putnam County, Indiana Marriage Records

Marriage Records.

The following is transcribed from "Putnam County Marriage Book 00, 1822-1831" by Mary Jo Johnson

Hiram B. Slavens       Sarah Holland         Ben Jones, p.g.        June 18, 1829

Henry Wilson           Mary Slavens          John Clements, m.g.    November 1, 1830
of Montgomery County, Kentucky

The following is transcribed from "Marriage Records, Putnam County, 1822-1843" by the
???????? Chapter D.A.R.

Daniel G. Slavens      Milia Spencer        Israel G. Lewis, m.g.   September 8, 1831

Isaiah Slavens         Nancy McGill         John Hubbard, JP        April 11, 1833

Imri Heady             Elizabeth Slavens    (license)               January 28, 1834

Charles W. Thoroughman Ann Slavens          (license)               September 7, 1835

Phillip Slavens        Elizabeth Thurman    Reuben Slavens, JP      March 16, 1837

William Gibson         Lucy Slavens         Isaac Owen, c.p.        October 21, 1841

The following is transcribed from "Putnam County Marriage Book A."

Sally Slavens          Samuel Scott         John Leaton, JP         May 27, 1844

Hiram Slavens          Nancy Allen          O.P. Badger, m.g.       January 2, 1845

Barbara Slavens        Robert Whitehead     A.L. Farrow, n.g.       July 21, 1845

Sally Slavens          George W. Pickering  O.P. Badger, m.g.       December 23, 1847

Henry Slavens          Lydia E. Goodwin     O.P. Badger, m.g.       June 1, 1848

Sophia Slavens         George B. Inge       O.P. Badger, m.g.       October 5, 1848

Reuben Slavens Sr.     Keziah Hinton        Joseph Siddens, JP      April 26, 1849

Louisa B. Slavens      Patterson McNutt     E.W. Fisk               November 27, 1855

Thomas J. Slavens      Lucinda J. Vermillion  O.P. Badger, m.g.     July 27, 1856

Lucinda Slavens        John Buttery         Arthur Walker, JP       June 16, 1859

The following marriage records are from the WPA Index.

                                                             vol   page
Slavens Bert S       Mae Murray            March 31, 1897      9   378
Slavens Edward L     Okie L Ovens          October 13, 1917    16  122

Slavens Elizabeth    George Perkins        January 10, 1867    4   157

Slavene George       Lillie M. Franer      December 15, 1897   9   450

Slavens Henry        Martha Spencer        March 23, 1864      3   448

Slavens Hiram        Sarah Key             April 1, 1879       6   289
Slavens Homer        Ada Newman            September 21, 1913  14  510

Slavens Isaiah       Mary Jane Heath       March 6, 1864       3   442
Slavens Isaiah       Mary Shanks           December 23, 1864   3   513

Slavens Isabella     John R. Gilkey        August 20, 1872     5   448

Slavens James A.     Minnie E. McLain      May 12, 1883        7   152

Slavens James C.     Elmina Clodfelter     September 16, 1868  4   258

Slavens Jemima M.    Henry C. Bouh         December 14, 1875   6   518

Slavens Julia        John Fleming          October 22, 1873    5   298

Slavens Julia E.     James E. Wiatt        October 16, 1884    7   310

Slavens Louisa B.    Patterson McNutt      November 27, 1855   2   116

Slavens Lucinda      John Buttery          June 16, 1859       2   470

Slavens Luther C.    Opha Lancaster        June 9, 1881        6   530

Slavens Martha C.    James Giles           December 19, 1872   5   221

Slavens Mary R.      Dan Prince            February 23, 1913   14  400

Slavens Mary S.      Robert W. Allen       July 27, 1865       3   565
Slavens Nora B.      Thomas J. Tuttle      February 16, 1902   10  282

Slavens Patsy        William W. Newgent    September 1, 1867   4   119

Slavens Queen N.     Thomas Fleming        February 9, 1876    5   540

Slavens Sarah A.     Charles W. Bettis     January 1, 1867     4   54

Slavens Sarah J.     George W. Gibson      September 27, 1868  4   443

Slavens Thelma Irene Gilbert H. Thomas     March 17, 1917      16  5

Slavens Thomas J.    Lucinda J. Vermillion July 27, 1856       2   175

Slavens William T.   Nancy Webb            November 29, 1877   6   138

Death Records

The following records are transcribed from the WPA Index.
                                                                 vol  page
Slavens Cecil E.          2   November 10, 1911  Madison Twp.    H-20 82

Slavens Hiram            77   January 15, 1893   Bainbridge      H-2  16

Slavens Nancy            62   May 2, 1917        Clinton Twp.    H-21 90

Slavens John             94   October 3, 1905    Putnam County   H-7  12

Slavend Lelan             1   December 8, 1904   Portland Mills  H-9  25

Slavens Madonna          17d  February 9, 1913   Madison Twp.    H-21 3

Slavens Martha J.        65   September 27, 1900 Parke County    H-3  45

Slavens Sarah            79   February 25, 1897  Brick Chapel    H-3  14

Slavens                  15   September 5, 1897  Bainbridge      H-3  19

Slavens                  1d   February 1, 1901   Russell Twp.    H-6  2

Slavens                  26d  February 25, 1901  Portland Mills  H-6  3

Slavens Minnie E.        33   December 3, 1900   Bainbridge      H-5  18

Slavens Ophra P.          1                      Greencastle     H-4  115

The following records are transcribed from "Index to Death Records, Putnam County, 
Indiana 1920-1976" by Cyril and Mary Johnson.

                                                               vol   page
Slavens, Ada             71  January 20, 1965    Greencastle     U   25

Slavens, Henry Morton    88  May 29, 1951        Greencastle     G—B 31

Slavens, Homer           70  July 19, 1964       Greencastle     U   16

Slavens, James A.        72  February 27, 1923   Putnam County   N   25
(Lived in Parke County, Union Township)

Slavens, Mary M.         58  May 28, 1924        Clinton Twp.    N   70

Slavens, Robert Gordon   36  October 30, 1963    Greencastle     U   2

Slavens, Sarah Maude     68  August 6, 1958      Greencastle     T   21

Slavens, William T.      70  December 21, 1924   Putnam County   N   88

Birth Records

The following records are transcribed from the WPA Index.

name                  father    mother maiden   sex date               vol  page
Slavens Carl E.       Charles   Maude Gibbs     M   December 17, 1911  H-15 33

Slavens Cecile E.     Chas. 0   Sarah M. Gibbs  M   April 16, 1909     H-14 51

Slavens Edna Ruth     Chas.     Sarah Gibbs     M   August 8, 1914     H-16 23

Slavens Jr. Edward L. Edward L. Okie Fern Owen  M   July 16, 1918      H-17 53

Slavens Eva May       Homer     Ada Newman      F   July 10, 1914      H-16 20

Slavens Evaline       Homer     Ada Newman      F   April 16, 1919     H-17 78

Slavens Glenn         Charles   Maude Gibbs     M   June 26, 1919      H-17 85

Hiram F.              Luther C. Ortha Lancaster M   October 5, 1883    H-1 128

Slavens Nora Belle    W.T.      ----- Webb      F   August 31, 1884    H—1 196

Slavens Winnia        Jas A.    ----- McClain   F   March 13, 1884     H-1 156

Slavens               B.S.      May Murry       F   June 6, 1898       H-7 29

Slavens               George    Lilly Knauer    F   April 16, 1899     H-10 9

Slavens (twin)        Burt      May Murry       F   January 31, 1901   H-8 3

Slavens (twin)        Burt      May Murry       M   January 31, 1901   H-8 3

Slavens Harold L.     Chas. C.  Sarah Gibbs     M   July 18, 1917      H-17 17

Slavens Hazel E.      Chas. C.  Sarah M. Gibbs  F   September 3, 1915  H-16 65

Slavens Madonna       Chas.     Mary Gibbs      F   January 22, 1913   H-15 69

Slavens Pearl         A.J.      Minnie McCain   F   March 17, 1898     H-7 24

Slavens               A.J.      Minnie McLain   M   April 10, 1895     H-6 6