
Putnam County, Indiana, 1864 Tax List.

Persons in Division No. Four of Collection District No. Seven of the State of Indiana, liable to a tax under Excise laws of the United States and the amount thereof, as assessed by John W. Earp, Assistant Assessor, and by him returned to the Assessor of said District, for the Annual May Assessment, 1864.

Name                   Location            Article or Occupation   Tax Due
Slavens, Zenas L.      Portland Mills      Physician               10.00
Slavens & Ness         city                Retail Dealers          10.00
Slavens, John          city                Physician               10.00
Slavens, John          city                Income                   7.05
Slavens, Reuben        city                Income                  30.00

Putnam County, Indiana, 1865 Tax List.

Alphabetical list of Persons in Division 4 of Collection District 7 of the State of Indiana, liable to a tax under Excise laws of the United States and the amount thereof, as assessed by John W. Earp, Assistant Assessor, and by James Ferrington, Assessor, returned to the Collector of said District, for the Annual Assessment, 1865.

Name                   Location            Article or Occupation   Tax Due
Slavens, Sarah         Monroe Twp.         Carriage                 1.00
Slavens, Reuben        city                Income                  46.65
Slavens & Reese(?)     city                Retail Dealers          10.00
Slavens, Hiram         Clinton Twp.        Income                   6.50

Note: "city" refers to Greencastle.

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