
Principal Superintendent of Convict's Office, Sydney, 27th March, 1832.

The undermentioned Prisoners having absconded from the Individuals and Employments set against their Names respectively, and some of them being at large with stolen Certificates, and Tickets of Leave, all Constables and others are hereby required and commanded to use their utmost exertions in apprehending and lodging them in safe custody.

Any Person harbouring or employed any of the said Absentees, will be prosecuted as the Law directs...

Slevin, Mary, No. 31-473, Hoogley, 30, Servant of All work, Tyrone, 4 feet 11 1/2, blue to grey eyes, brown hair, ruddy freckled comp., from No. 25 Road Gang.

Sydney (Australia) Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser, March 31, 1832.