
Woman Shot in Edinburgh.

On Saturday afternoon, a melancholy occurrence took place in the saleroom of Messrs. D.K. Mairdock & Company, auctioneers, 58 Bristo Street, Edinburgh. It appears that while a married woman named Isabella Smith or Caie and her husband were examining goods in the salesroom, the latter had his attention drawn to a revolver, when, with the view of showing how it worked, the assistant in charge of the salesroom, Michael Slaven, aged 17, loaded it with a cartridge. During the time that Slaven was handling the revolver, it accidentally went off, and the ball entered the head of Mrs. Caie. She was removed to the Royal Infirmary, and there lies in a precarious condition. Slaven was taken into custody, and will be brought up at the City Police Court this morning on a charge of careless and reckless discharge of firearms.

Aberdeen (Scotland) Weekly Journal, Monday, February 13, 1882.

Edinburgh-- Painful Shooting Accident-- On Saturday afternoon, a young man named Michael Slaven was taken into custody on a charge of reckless discharge of fire-arms. Slaven, it appears, was an assistant in Messrs. Murdoch & Co.'s auction-rooms in Bristo Street, and while showing a pistol to some intending purchasers, he also showed how to load the weapon by putting a ball cartridge into the barrel. His finger-- it is believed accidentally-- coming in contact, brought down the trigger, and the shot was fired, the ball entering the head of a woman named Elizabeth Kay, who, with her husband, was standing in the sale-room at the time. The woman was immediately removed to the Infirmary, where she now lies in a precarious condition, her life being dispaired of. Mrs. Kay is 51 years of age, and resides in Brown Street, Edinburgh.

Glasgow (Scotland) Herald, February 13, 1882.