

On Sunday night last a barrel branded "alcohol," not directed to any point, and otherwise of a suspicious character, was landed from the steamer Alvin Adams. When rolled, the barrel gave evidence that a movable body was within; and when opened to the horror of those present, it was found to contain the body of a man that had been forced into it in a totally nude state, and the vessel then filled with alcohol or whisky. No doubt is entertained but the individual came to his death by violence. The fatal wound is in the neck, cutting the carotid artery. Indeed, this is the only wound that appears to have been inflicted before death. The body is much bruised, but this it is supposed has resulted from being rolled about in the barrel. Upon one finger is a plain gold ring, and it is judged from the appearance of the hair and flesh, that the person when living had been well and genteelly cared for. The impression prevails that the body is that of EDWARD SLEVIN, who mysteriously disappeared in Louisville about a month ago; and a dispatch was sent down yesterday evening conveying the intelligence to his friends. T. SLEVIN will probably be here upon the first boat, who will no doubt be able to identify the body if that of his brother. Since the mysterious discovery, giving so strong evidence of the deepest crime, no other theme has afforded matter of conversation; and conjecture is busy in speculating upon the manner in which so horrid a deed of blood could have been perpetrated, and the victim so strangely and summarily disposed of without leaving a single trace leading to the detection of the inhuman fiend or fiends whose guilty souls are stained with the blood of a fellow. But we hope the revealed body will be identified as well as the barrel, and traced back to the detection of the guilty. How deeply humiliating to all the better feelings of humanity is the thought that in a civilized country blood is weighed in the balance with gold! The old saying that "murder will out," will we hope prove as true as hitherto. The body we understand was placed in a vault last evening.-- Madison (Ind.) Banner, March 2.

New York (New York) Times, March 8, 1854.