
Municipal Court.

Thursday-- John Slavin, a soldier, was before the Court, charged with assualt and battery upon his wife. John went away to the wars some months since and left in the possession of Mrs. Slavin over $400, and in addition to that she had regularly been drawing State aid for herself and four children. John got home the other day on a furlough and found that the money had all been squandered and his wife was obliged to pawn her shawl to get him a breakfast. Naturally incensed and discouraged, John got drunk and gave his worder half a severe beating. In that, whatever the aggravation, he disobeyed the law and the Court fined him $5.00 and costs. J. O'Donnell for the government.

Daily Eastern Argus (Portland, Maine), July 8, 1864.

Editor Argus: Please correct report in Friday's paper in case of my husband, John Slavin. He committed repeated assaults on me without provocation, beating me on the head, face, and back, since his return from Augusta on furlough of thirty days, as neighbors know and testify.

John did not "get home the other day and find the money had all been squandered," as stated, but came home the worse for liquor and abused me by blows and threats, and broke my stove. The money was prudently used in supporting myself and the children, clothing them and myself for a period of over ten months. I did not "pawn a shawl to get him a breakfast," but to get bread for my children, his slim allowance for the support of the family being wholly exhausted. Do have pity on the wife and children of a drunkard, and let us not be calumniated by false reports. I have worked hard to support myslef and the children without John's aid and can do it for the future. Every dollar he left has been honestly expended and he knows it.

Agnes Slavin.

Daily Eastern Argus (Portland, Maine), July 9, 1864.