Wm. Slavens, of Pike County, was murdered on Tuesday night, by Moses Bowers, and Zachariah Cook, on Beaver. It happened at a village near Beaver village, and all the parties were drunk. Both Bowers and Cook are at large.
The Daily Scioto Gazette (Chillicothe, Ohio), August 23, 1850
The horrid murder lately committed in Marion, Pike county, is described thusly in the Piketon Journal:
"William Slavens, Cook, Bowers, and others had assembled at a grocery, and had all
indulged pretty freely in drinking, and as is usual, quarrelling. Towards night, however,
Slavens became so intoxicated that it was difficult to help himself or stand. In this
situation Cook attacked him, knocking him down with his fist and then beating in his face
and head with the heel of his boot, while Bowers kept the bystanders from interfering, and
continued urging Cook on in his brutal work. When the spectators succeeded in parting them,
life was nearly extinct. He died three minutes after. The murderers fled, and had not been
arrested at the time of our going to press. Mr. Slavens leaves a wife and six children to mourn
the untimely loss of the husband and father.
The Daily Scioto Gazette (Chillicothe, Ohio), August 29, 1850.