Villa Nova, Dec. 6 (Special)-- Joseph Slavin, 1909, of Waterbury, Conn., half-back, at a banquet tendered the Varsity football team, at Windsor Hotel, recently was elected to captain the team for 1907. This is Slavin's second year on the team. Before coming to Villa Nova he played on the high school team of his town.
The good work done by him for the past two years, and especially the in the Penn game this year, has won for him the admiration of his team mates and student body at large. The Athletic Committee ratified his election this evening and awarded Vs to the following: Ex-Captain McGeehan, Buckley Moore, Richards, Rock, O'Connors, Spain, Walsh, Daniels, Kane, Barr, McGinn, Captain Slavin, Laner, Maloy, Fitzgerald and Lavery.
Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) Inquirer, December 7, 1906.