Yesterday afternoon after the banks had closed, a stranger commenced buying articles of trifling value in several stores in the city, and presented in payment for them counterfeit $5 bills on Canada banks. One of the counterfeit $5 bills was so near like the genuine thing that Mr. Slavin, of the Dane County Bank, was for some time in doubt about it, but finally when two other bills that the passer of the counterfeit money had managed to get rid of were shown, his suspicions were aroused, and he took measures, in company with Mr. Jones and Mr. Treadway, to capture him. The passer of counterfeit bills began to smell something warm, and made an effort to escape, but the three gentlemen were too much for him and succeeded in giving him into the custody of Constable Reese. He was taken to the Court House and examined, and a number of counterfeit bills on Canada banks and several bills of broken banks were found upon him.
This morning he was brought before Justice Bradley, and gave his name as Otto Neigte. He is a German, and Justice Bradley after examining into his case held him to bail in the sum of $800, in default of which he was committed to jail.
Last night, a little before 12 o'clock, another man was arrested on suspicion, and several counterfeit bills and bills of broken banks were found upon him. We hear that two more of the gang were arrested to-day. These will probably be brought before Justice Bradley to-morrow morning. When Sheriff Bishop, Detective Welch aud Constable Reese get on the slightest scent of fraud "it will out." --Madison Patriot, 16th.
Milwaukee (Wisconsin), August 18, 1859.
Copyright © 2007 Larry Slavens. All rights reserved.