

Before Mrs. Phillips, at West Ham Police-court, on Friday, Thomas Robert Gibbs, described as a broker, of No. 1, Victoria-road, Barking-road, Canning-town, was summoned by Archibald Slaven, of 8, Victoria-road Clyde-road, Silvertown, for unlawfully and irregularly distraining upon the goods and chattels of the said Archibald Slaven, at No. 8, Victoria-terrace, Barking-road, on July 31st last; and he was also summoned by John Logan for an illegal distress at Victoria-terrace, on August 1st. There were also six other summonses taken out for assaults in connection with the allegedly illegal distress. The complainants in each case formerly lived in Queen's-terrace, Evelyn-road, Silvertown. In July last both gave the customary week's notice to leave, and went to live in Victoria-terrace. On the 31st July the defendant seized some of Slaven's furniture for rent alleged to be due, and in order to meet his demand Mrs. Slaven borrowed 22s. and paid to the defendant. Logan's furniture was seized under similar circumstances. It was proved that no rent was due in either case. The defendant pleaded that he had acted only according to his instructions. Mr. Phillips said that if he chose to act illegally in accordance to instructions, he would have to put up with the consequences. He made an order for the payment to Mr. Slaven of £2, in addition to the £1 2s. he had paid Mr. Gibbs and the costs of the court; and to Mr. Logan £2 and 19s. 6d., the money he had paid, and the costs. The summonses for assault were withdrawn.

Reynolds's Newspaper (London, England), September 2, 1883.