

An inquest was held on the 29th ultimo at the house of Mr James Kimmarlay, of Dangerfield, on the Dalwood Estate, on the body of John Campbell, aged 18 years. It appeared that on Thursday evening some of the labourers on the Dalwood Estate went to bathe in the river after their day's work. One of them, named Jeremiah Slaven, got out of his depth and cried for help. Campbell who had only his socks and shirt on, went into the water with a pole to rescue him; but unfortunately they both sank together. Another labourer, named Lawler, dragged Slaven to the bank; but Campbell was drowned. His body was recovered by dragging in the course of the night; and his shirt was then found entangled about his head, having thus probably caused his death; he was a good swimmer. Verdict-- "Accidentally drowned in the River Hunter, on the Dalwood Estate, by bathing, in attempting to save the life of another."

Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (New South Wales, Australia), December 2, 1862.