
Frank Slavin Dies.

Vancouver, B.C., Oct. 17 (AP)-- Frank Slavin, the famous heavyweight of the John L. Sullivan era of pugilism, died in Shaughnesy Military hospital today after an illness of more than a year.

Slavin, whose real name was Sydney Cornstalk, was born in Maitland, New South Wales, January 5, 1862, and began his professional fighting career in 1885. During the next 22 years he fought most of the top notchers including Jim Smith, Jake Kilrain, Peter Jackson, Bob Armstrong, Frank Craig, and Jim Hall.

Slavin always claimed the only reason he was not heavyweight champion was because Sullivan would not meet him.

Note: "The Sydney Cornstalk" was Slavin's nickname, not his real name.

The Oil City (Pennsylvania) Derrick, October 18, 1929.

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