A letter from Bernard W. Guild, now employed in the subscription department of the Boston Transcript, contains an item which will be of interest. He speaks of taking a seat in the theatre next to a man in uniform with the overseas mark on his shoulder. Mutual introdcutions accomplished, the soldier stated that "Dick" Slavin was his pal "over there." In fact he went out with him the night Slavin was captured. A number of men went into No Man's Land on patrol that night, and coming to a river they couldn't find a shallow place to cross, so the lieutenant took two corporals, one of whom was Slavin, and set out to look for a ford. The three didn't come back and two days later they found from some prisoners that the lieutenant had been killed and the other two captured. The soldier called "Dick" a "mighty good man," and said that all the men and his commanding lieutenant liked him.
This soldier boy also spoke of the welcome New York City gave the returning men. He said he spent eleven days in New York and not one cent. Everything from sightseeing wagons to theatres and food was without price to the boys in khaki and blue.
Barnstable (Massachusetts) Patriot, February 24, 1919.