Made his escape, in the Night of the 29th of February, from the Subscriber, living in the Borough of Chester, one Patrick Slavin, born in the north of Ireland, is a short middling set fellow, sandy complexion, with short bushy Hair, much freckled, little Eyes, a d??n Look, has had one of his Legs broke, which may be perceived; Had on when he went away, a short light coloured Coat, ?????? Jacket, old Breeches, of a darkish Colour, check Shirt, Yarn(?) Stockings(?), and new Shoes, with plain Silver Buckles. Whoever takes up the said Fellow, and brings him to the Chester Gaol, shall have Forty Shillings Reward, and reasonable Charges, paid by John Kellen(?).
Pennsylvania Gazette (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), April 10, 1760.
Although not stated-- as it would have been widely understood at that time-- the above notice was surely for the return of an indentured servant who had fled before completing his indenture.