

Nominations for the coming election to be held by the Aero club of California were made yesterday at a meeting of the organization held in the assembly hall of the chamber of commerce. The names to be voted upon: for president, H. LaV. Twining and Buel H. Green; for first vice president, C. E. Rilliet, Buel H. Green and W B. Cannon; for second vice president, Geo. B. Harrison, J. J. Slavin and R. I. Blakeslee; for secretary, W. H Leonard, Buel H. Green and R. I. Blakeslee; for treasurer, Buel H. Green, William Stevens and E. J. Campbell; for directors, R. I. Blakeslee, O. P. Wingren, W. B. Cannon, W. H. Leonard, J. J. Slavin and E. J. Campbell. The club will celebrate the second anniversary of its organization Sunday. May 29, at the Playa del Rey Motordrome.

Los Angeles (California) Herald, May 11, 1910.