The Louisville Courier-Journal of Sunday says:
Grievng for the wife whom death had taken from him, and no longer able to bear sight of the familiar scenes of his happy married life, Manual (sic) Slaven, a farmer of Mitchell county, Kansas, sold all that he possessed and, with something more than $3,000 and his eight children, set out to find a new home six weeks ago. He journeyed through Indiana and Ohio down to Florida and, finding no place that suited him, came northward again, arriving in Louisville Friday night. Four of the children had been left behind at Pernell, Fla., among them the five-month old baby at whose birth the wife and mother died. Seven hundred dollars already was gone in the fruitless search. Last night Slaven was in the Jefferson county jail, suffering from what the police believe to be an opiate, the last penny of his little fortune gone and his helpless children being cared for at the Detention Home. The police believe he was robbed late yesterday afternoon of his remaining $2,300 on Grayson street in a negro resort, which they raided, arresting its four inmates on charges of grand larceny. The money was not recovered. The children, all under 12 years, were found at the Tenth street depot by Mrs. Elizabeth M. Miles, the matron, who cared for them until they were removed to the home by the police.
When partly recovered from his stupor, Slaven was seen at the Jail by a reporter, to whom he told his story. He is 45 years old and a typical Western farmer, with large black mustache and wide-brimmed gray felt hat. He said he and his wife had lived happily and been prosperous on their little farm near Glenelder, Mitchell county, Kan., about 100 miles west of Kansas City. They had seven children and the eighth, a boy, was born April 1, the mother dying at that time.
"Any man who loses his wife and the faithful mother of his children," sobbed Slaven, "will know what I suffered. As the days and weeks went on, I all but lost my mlnd I couldn't stand it any longer. I couldn't stay there and see the places where my wife used to be and the things she used to touch. I sold everything and got a little more than $3,000 together and then set out to locate anywhere. I took the kids and we traveled through Indiana and Ohio, looking for a place to settle. But I couldn't be suited. I was crazy, I believe. So I went to Florida.
"I didn't find things to suit mo there, either. I never had been a drinking man, but I tried to drown my grief in liquor and it made a fool of me. I got into bad company one night in Jacksonville, Fla., went where I shouldn't and got robbed of $400. When I started north again, thinking to settle, either here in Kentucky or over in Indiana, I took out $300 for traveling expenses and bought a draft for $2,000 on a bank at Pernell, Fla. I thought my money would be safe that way. We got in here Friday night and the children and I stayed at a hotel. I only brought four of them along w1th me. My oldest girl, she's 24 now, stayed down in Pernell with the little baby and the others and I was going to send for them when I got located. I brought Eddie and Ernest and Emily and Ruby with me.
"Well, yesterday morning I decided that I wouldn't stay here and so we went down to the station to catch a train over into Indiana. I had been drinking a little and I thought I would go up into town again until time for the train to leave. I left the children there with the woman in the station and intended to come right back. I guess I got too much and those women coaxed me into that house. When I came out I went to a saloon to get another drink. I started to pay the bartender and found that all my money, $300 in cash and the draft for $2,000, was gone. That's all I know about it. I never felt myself being robbed. Now I'm without a penny in the world, I don't know where my children are and I have no one to go to for help."
The alleged robbery was reported to Patrolmen Burnett and Swift, who watch the beat in which is included Grayson street. Guided by Slaven, whom they had to walk to keep conscious, they were led to a negro resort on Grayson street near Ninth.
There they arrested four negro women, who gave their names as Essie Jones, 17 years old; Katie Thomas, 17; Lula Yeager, 24, and Ollie Bryant, 25, and they were charged with lohbery.
Slaven was arrested on a charge of disorderly conduct. The women deny the charge.
Mrs. Miles, the matron at the depot, became perplexed about the continued presence of the four little children in the station. She called the police, who had them removed to the Detention Home, where they were given a warm supper and, after crying for their father, finally fell asleep. The children's ages are as follows: Edward, 11 years old; Ernest 7, Emily 5, and Ruby 3. The police still are working on the case and hope to locate the money and draft.
The Hartford (Kentucky) Herald, September 27, 1916.