The river in front of the wharf was repeatedly dragged yesterday, by parties in search of the body of Mr. Slevin, and last evening a cannon was fired over the mouth of the creek, in expectation of causing the body to float, but all efforts were unavailing, and his disappearance is still a mystery.
The wharf was crowded yesterday at times by an excited multitude, who were either bearing or reciting improbable or horrible rumors, and one tale, not more absurd than the others, was circulated, giving the manner of his death and the disposal of the body by means of spiritual manifestation, imparted to an old and well known shaman, who has figured prime in one of the papers(?). The revelations were written out, wherein it was stated that the unfortunate man had been murdered and thrown in the river. The spirit, however, did not tell where the body would be found.
Louisville (Kentucky) Courier, January 30, 1854.