Indianapolis, Nov. 1. There has been a deadly feud for several years between John H. McFee and Thomas H. Slavin, originating in Knightstown, this state, over business matters, and the trouble culminated Tuesday night in a shooting affray in which Slavin was shot under the right shoulder and McFee through the bowels and right ear, all three shots taking effect from the rear, showing that both were moving when wounded. Eight shots were fired altogether in the saloon and on the sidewalk, and a number of persons were imperiled by flying bullets.
McFee was fatally hurt and Slavin dangerously, and both men were transferred to the hospital. Both men came to this county some time ago, engaging in the saloon business, but at different points. Afterward McFee sold out, and he made trips to different points, but whenever he returned and Slavin's name was mentioned, he was quick to express his determination of wiping him out sooner or later. Slavin was also bitter toward McFee, and a bloody encounter has been anticipated by their friends for months.
McFee has quite a history, as he once shot the marshal of Knlghtstown, and he also killed a negro at Carthage, this state. In the last named case he proved self-defense. After his arrest Tuesday night he remarked: "Slavin has done me up, but if I've finished him it's all right." He has a wife and children at Knlghtstown.
Slavin is unmarried. Bystanders report that when Slavin began shooting, McFee ran into the street; then he turned and chased Slavin back Into the saloon, shooting him down as he entered the door.
Maysville (Kentucky) Evening Bulletin, November 1, 1888.