NEW CASTLE, PA Jan. 10.-- Isaac H. Slavin, a wealthy farmer residing in this county, 60 years old, with his wife, son and daughter-in-law occupies a fine house near a forest and the public highway. Slavin's son and daughter were absent from home Sunday night. Slavin and his wife had retired. About 10 o'clock there was a knock at the door. The old gentleman asked what was wanted and was told "a man had been injured in a runaway and we want to get a light." Mr. Slavin procured a lantern, and lighting it, opened the door.
The instant he did so he was struck a fearful blow on the head with a club and fell insensible to the floor. The thieves proceeded to the room where Mrs. Slavin lay. She fainted at their approach. After thoroughly ransacking the house the robbers left, leaving both occupants insensible. A large sum of money and many valuables were taken. Both of the old people are in a critical condition. An organized gang is operating in Lawrence county, no less than a dozen burglaries having been committed during the past two weeks.
Davenport (Iowa) Daily Leader, January 10, 1893.