London, May 30-- Peter Jackson, the colored pugilist, whipped Jim Slavin in ten rounds today. It was a complete knock out. Slavin was the favorite in the betting at all sorts of odds, heavy amounts being up at five to two. Note: This was actually Frank "Paddy" Slavin.
It was ten minutes after 11 o'clock when Jackson and Slavin made their appearance in the ring to begin the fight. The usual preliminaries occupied only a few minutes.
In the first round Jackson led off with a light tap on Slavin's body. Prolonged sparring then ensued. Slavin did not force the fighting at as great a rate as had been expected of him, Jackson though he did not hit him with much force, kept his long left arm constantly in Slavin's face. Twice Slavin clinched and was ordered by the referee to break away. He then tried to land his right on Jackson, but the latter sprang away and the round ended very evenly.
Second round.- The instant time was called Slavin made a savage rush at his antagonist, as though he intended to annihilate him, but Jackson always had his long left arm in Slavin's face. Three times Slavin rushed to close quarters, with the same futile result. Jackson then forced the fighting and drove his left and right in quick succession in Slavin's body. Slavin appeared to be tiring as the round closed.
Third round.- The round opened amid intense excitement. Jackson kept prodding Slavin in the mouth and left eye and the eye began to show signs of closing. Slavin kept rushing in, but try as he would, he always failed to land his dangerous right on his antagonist. In the last minute of the round, a splendid rally occurred when Slavin hit harder and Jackson struck more frequently. Both were hard at work when time was called. Many bets were won and lost at this stage of the contest as many wagers had been made that the fight would not last three rounds.
Fourth round.- After the call of time Slavin was the first to get to work. Jackson seemed to have already taken his rival's measure. Every time Slavin rushed in he met the negro's left, Jackson having a shade best of the exchange.
Fifth round.- Both men started in and fought the round at a terrific pace, each doing his utmost to win.
Sixth round.- Slavin worked Jackson into a corner and landed two heavy blows on his ribs. The negro jumped out and landed a swinging left and right on Slavin's head.
Seventh round.- Jackson, time after time, banged his left in Slavin's face and before the round was half over Slavin's left eye was nearly closed.
Eighth round.- Jackson was now sweating freely, but he seemed to be fresher than his opponent. Jackson again banged away at Slavin for all he was worth, and had the best of the round at the finish, odds of six to four being laid on him at the close.
Ninth round.- Slavin made a grand effort to keep on equal terms with Jackson, but received several more stinging left hand blows on the mouth and eye. Jackson was shooting his right with great effect and had the best of the mill, when the two men were ordered to their corners.
Tenth round.- Slavin came up very game, but he was weaker than he looked. After a few exchanges, Jackson landed a swinging right hander along on Slavin's throat sending him against the ropes. Before Slavin was able to recover, Jackson was on him with both hands. Slavin became dazed from the effects of this terrible punishment. The negro fought him all around the ring and succeeded in knocking him out in the first two minutes of the round.
Jackson was then declared the victor amid terrific cheering. Jackson tipped the scales at 196 and Slavin at 185 pounds. Jackson's seconds were "Parson" Davies, Joe Choynski and Jem Young. Slavin's seconds were his brother, Jack, Tom Williams and Tom Burrows. Mr. Angle was referee. All arrangements for the fight were admirable and the contest was the finest seen in a long time.
Atlanta (Georgia) Constitution, May 31, 1892.
Copyright © 2007 Larry Slavens. All rights reserved.