ELIZABETH SLAVEN, a healthy looking Child, 12 years of age, was brought by her Parents from the town of Kildare, for admission into the Hospital of the House of Industry, in the beginning of March 1808. There was an Ulcer situated within the nostril, the extent of which it was impossible to discover, on account of the scabs which filled the nostril; but the greater part of the Nose was swelled, of a dusky red colour and painful to the touch. She had had this Ulcer upwards of a year, accompanied with stinging pains; it resembled almost in every particular the appearances described in Case xiv. and was owing to a similar cause, for on being questioned, she said that prior to the Ulcer, she had been in the habit of constantly picking her Nose.
The Carbonate of Iron was applied her admission, and an immediate amendment took place, as the pain, redness, and swelling of her Nose began to decline, and the Ulcer mended so rapidly, that in four weeks the scabs were entirely removed, and the Ulcer healed. She was discharged the Hospital perfectly well on the 15th of April 1808.
An Essay on the Effects of Carbonate, and Other Preparations of Iron, Upon Cancer: With an Inquiry Into The Nature of That and Other Diseases to Which It Bears a Relation, by Richard Carmichael, Surgeon.
Printed by G. G.A. Procter, for Gilbert and Hodges, Dame-Street, Dublin; Murray, Fleet-Street, and Callon Crown-Court, London; and Constable and Co. Edinburgh, 1809.