

Peter Slavin, a licensed car-driver, made his sixteenth appearance before the court, since March, 1855, charged with having committed violent and unprovoked assaults upon Mr. Lundy, superintendent of the telegraph from Dublin to Belfast, and Constables McNamee and McKnight, of the local police forces. One of the prisoner's eyes was discoloured.

Mr. Seeds appeared on behalf of Mr. Lundy, and Mr. Gibson on behalf of the constables. Mr. Sheals defended the prisoner.

Mr. Lundy deposed that at ten minutes to seven o'clock on the previous evening, he was coming out of the Ulster Railway Terminus in Great Victoria Street, and saw there a boy, with a horse by the head. The road was in a very muddy state, and he desired to cross it, where there was a flagged crossing, but the boy stopped on the crossing with the horse, and prevented him. He told the boy to go on, but, as he did not seem to move, he (Mr. Lundy) touched the horse very lightly with his umbrella, which made him go on. The prisoner then came forward, and struck complainant twice in the most violent and brutal manner on the neck, and knocked off his hat, which was totally destroyed.

Mr. Wm. Nesbitt gave similar evidence.

Mr. Sheals examined two witnesses, Bernard Slavin, the father of the prisoner, and James Lee, who swore, in opposition to the evidence for the prosecution, that the horse was moving at the time the complainant struck it, and that the prisoner, to whom the horse and car belonged, had merely given Mr. Lundy a push.

Mr. Tracy said he had often stated that crossings were intended for foot passengers, and the drivers of carts and cars instead of making footpassengers get out of their way, should wait till the foot passengers, who had a right to walk there, had passed.

The evidence with regard to the assaults committed upon the Constables was also of the most conclusive description. The prisoner refused to be locked-up, kicked, and struck the Con stables in different places, without regard to the danger he might have caused to their lives, blackened McNamee's eyes, and also his own, and was secured, ultimately, with the greatest possible difficulty.

Mr. Tracy said he should send the prisoner to the Quarter Sessions, to answer for the very serious complaints that had been made against him. None but a brute would have conducted himself in the manner that he had done. He had been before the court charged with beating his father and his mother, and with fourteen other offenses, and now he was brought up on three charges of assault, for each of which he was to be imprisoned two months at hard labour.

The Belfast News-Letter Belfast, Ireland November 5, 1856.