
Comely Widow in Attempted Suicide.
Refusal of Mother to Consent to Her Second Marriage the Cause.

Montgomery, Mo., July 26-- Mrs. Henrietta Slavens, aged 16, a comely widow, attempted suicide today because her mother refused to give her consent to the young woman's second marriage. She took poison and is expected to die. The mother did not want her to wed again until she is of age.

Ardmore (Oklahoma) Daily Ardmoreite, July 28, 1913.

Montgomery, Mo, July 28-- A sixteen-year-old widow, Mrs. Slavens, of Jonesboro (sic - Jonesburg?), took bichloride of mercury to end her life because her mother refused to give her consent for her to wed Wesley Sherman, aged 17 years. Her mother was so displeased at the outcome of her first marriage, when she was only 15, that she could not consent for her to try it again under age.

La Crosse (Wisconsin) Tribune, July 28, 1913.