Mrs. Barzilla Slaven aged resident of the community passed away at the home of her son James a mile west of this city last Saturday, her death being due to heart failure. She had been in fairly good health and when stricken passed away very suddenly her death coming as quite a shock to her friends and neighbors.
Barzilla Slaven was born in the state of Tennessee, Sep 4, 1850; and departed this life Dec. 9, aged seventy two years.
Shortly after the close of the Civil War, she was united in marriage to Jefferson Slaven and to this union nine children were born, two dying in infancy, and one daughter, Emerine, passing on at the age of seventeen years. This union was severed fifteen years ago when the husband and father answered the final summons.
Mrs. Slaven united with the Baptist Church when she was seventeen years of age, and when she moved to Indiana in 1913, she placed her membership with the Christian Church at Newberry. She was faithful in the discharge of her duty to her Lord as long as her health would permit, and as long as she could attend the servicves of the Church.
She leaves to mourn her going, two sisters, Peggy and Ferbe, three sons Absalom, James and Emanuel and two daughters, Tabitha and Elizabeth. She also leaves forty-seven grandchildren, and thirty great grandchildren. She was a kind and loving Mother, and will be cherished in the memories of all who knew her.
The funeral service was held from the residence Monday afternoon at two o'clock with Rev. R. T. Gwyn in charge. Burial was made at Walnut Hill cemetery.
Odon (Indiana) Journal, December 15, 1922.