
Mrs. Bridget Corcoran, who has been in feeble health for some time past, died at the home of her son-in-law, Sheriff John L. Ford, Tuesday evening, July 15. 1902, aged 81 years, 6 months and 21 days.

Deceased was born in Kings county, Ireland, December 25, 1820. She attended the coronation of Queen Victoria and was among a number of sixteen young ladies who assisted in the ceremonies. At the age of seventeen she came to America, landing at New York. She was first married to a Mr. Slavin, to which union were born six children, only one of whom survives her, viz: Mrs. John L. Ford of this place. Her first husband having died, she was united in marriage to John Corcoran, who was killed by falling off of a bridge about thirty-three years ago. To this union were born two children.

Jackson County Banner (Brownstown, Indiana), July 16, 1902.