
James K. Slavens

Funeral arrangements have not yet been made for James K. Slavens, 66 years old, of Wayside, who died yesterday in the home of a daughter, Mrs. D. E. Cowell, 711 E. 11th St. here. He leaves the widow, Mrs. Jennie Slavens, and seven children, Mrs. William Fowler, Mrs. Della Fowler, Mrs. Kathryn Cowell, Orin C. Slavens and Henry D. Slavens, all of Bartlesville, Mrs. R. A. Barkey of Barnsdall, and Mrs. Leo Williams of Dewey. He also leaves three sisters, Mrs. W. B. Deal of Kansas City, Mrs. Eva Snapp of California, and Mrs. Olive Wardlow of Bashear, Kansas, and a brother, John C. Slavens of Colony, Kansas. The body is at the Burt Funeral Home.

Bartlesville (Oklahoma) Examiner Enterprise, January 28, 1932.