
Funeral Services for John Slevin Will Be Held Monday Morning.

BEMENT. March 2-- Funeral services for John Slevin, well known Bement resident, will be held Monday morning at 9:30 in St. Michael Catholic church in Bement. Burial will be in Bement cemetery.

Mr. Slevin had been a resident of Bement and community for 29 years. Following the death of his wife some years ago, he retired from active life on the farm and moved to Bement. He leaves two sons, Walter of Bement, one in Wyoming, and a daughter in a Springfield convent. He was well known throughout Piatt county.

Mr. Slevin died following a stroke of apoplexy, according to the verdict of a coroner's jury which investigated his death Friday morning. Thursday afternoon Mr. Slevin and his son were working when the eider Slevin was suddenly stricken. He died shortly after.

The Decatur (Illinois) Herald, March 3, 1923.