
Played With Matches; Dead.

Marlinton, W. Va., May 8-- Julian, the 5-year old child of R.S. Slaven, was burned to death one day last week. While playing with matches his clothing caught fire and before his mother could reach him he was blazing from head to foot. He died in a few hours.

Harrisonburg (Virginia) Daily News, May 9, 1910.

Julian Slaven, little five year old son of Mr. and Mrs. R.B. Slaven, died Sunday evening at five o'clock from the effects of burns received a few hours previously. Upon his return from Sunday school the little boy got hold of a box of matches and went out into the yard. He ignited the whole box, which set fire to his clothes. A heavy wind fanned the fire into a blaze which enveloped the little fellow. Some neighbors ran to his assistance, but the fire had done its deadly work.

On Monday the funeral service was at the Presbyterian church under the direction of the local lodge of Odd Fellows. The school mates of the little boy's brother attended the service in a body, and the bearers were his little friends and playmates. A great many people were at the church, and every place of business was closed, so general was the sympathy for the bereaved parents. The little body was laid to rest in the Marlinton cemetery.

Had he lived until August, Julian Slaven would have been five years old. A particularly bright and attractive little fellow was he, but the ties which bound him to earth never seemed strong, as he was always considered rather delicate. Upon him then, was lavished the affection always felt for the younger, more helpless child. Then, too, it often seems that the children who are to be taken to the Other Side in childhood have reflected in their natures while yet with us the heavenly disposition that will be attained over there. Recently the parents had been overjoyed with the promise of coming health and strength. Their grief is made all the deeper by the suddenness of his leave taken. "Suffer the little children to come unto Me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of Heaven."

Highland (Monterey, Virginia) Recorder, May 23, 1910.