
Mayor of Kansas City Dead.

Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 11-- W.L. Slavens (sic), former mayor of Kansas City, is dead at the Soldier's Home at Leavenworth, aged sixty-six. Slavens, at the opening of the civil war, was appointed quartermaster of the sevety-third Illinois, and later was on the staff of General George A. Thomas.

Burlington Hawk Eye February 12, 1905


Services To-Morrow Afternoon at Grand Avenue M.E. Church.

The funeral of J.W.L. Slavens, who died Friday in Leavenworth, will be held at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon from the Grand Avence Methodist church. The services will be conducted by the Rev. W.A. Quayle. The body will be placed in the McGee vault at Union cemetery. The honorary pallbearers will be: General H.F. Devol, Major William Warner, Dr. C.B. Hewitt, P.D. Ridenour, Dr. D.R. Porter, and James Hewson. The active pallbearers will be: R.J. Ingraham. A.B.H. McGee Jr., James H. Cravens, John W. Jenkins, A.E. Hosier and George T. Lynn.

H.O. Slavens, a son, will arrive here from New York to-night. Two other sons, L.P. Slavens and L.C. Slavens of Boston, have started for Kansas City to-day.

Mr. Slavens had been a member of the board of trustees of the Grand Avenue Methodist church for thirty years. At a meeting of the board on the night of Mr. Slavens's death he was re-elected as its president. The board will attend the funeral in a body.

Kansas City (Missouri) Star, February 13, 1905.