Mr. Patrick Slavin, 76 years of age, died Saturday morning at his home at the corner of Short and Georgetown streets, after an illness of two weeks.
Mr. Slavin was born in Ireland and came to this country when 25 years old, and has made Lexington his home since that time. He has served as a member of the General Council and at one time was an alderman. He was a prominent groceryman at one time but had retired.
He is survived by his wife and five children, Mrs. Kirby of Pendleton county, Mr. William F. Klair of this city, Mrs. Borkhot, also of Lexington, and James and John Slavin.
The funeral services will be held Monday morning at 9 o'clock at St. Paul’s Cathedral, Rev. Father De Waegeneare officiating. Burial will follow in the Catholic cemetery.
The pall bearers will be Messrs. James Gleason, Melvin Dhearer, James A. Doyle, Pat Mooney, John McElroy, Michael Gill, James McKenna and Patrick Murray.
Lexington (Kentucky) Herald, July 17, 1910.
Hon. Patrick Slavin, a retired business man and for years one of the most prominent Democratic politicians in the Bluegrass region, died at his home in Lexington last Saturday morning. His funeral took place from St. Paul's church on Monday. The requiem mass was celebrated by the Rev. Father De Waegenaer and many old friends, irrespective of creed or politics, attended the obsequies. The deceased was born in Ireland eighty years ago but had made his home in Lexington since he was twenty-five years old. He made a comfortable fortune in the grocery business before he retired a few years ago. He also served both as Councilman and Alderman. Five children survive him. They are Mrs. Klair, wife of Hon. William F. Klair, Mrs. Kirby of Pendleton county, James Slavin, John Slavin, and Mrs. Boorkhoot, all of Lexington.
Kentucky Irish American (Louisville, Kentucky), July 23, 1910.