Mrs. Sarah Slavens died at the family home at Brick Chapel this morning at 6:40 o'clock. Her death had been expected for several days as she had been suffering with the grip and heart trouble. Deceased was seventy-nine years of age and was one of the pioneers of Putnam county. She was the wife of Dr. John March Slavens, aged eighty-six years, who is critically ill of pneumonia. Reports from his bedside today showed him a trifle stronger but it was thought to be due to temporary conditions. Mrs. Nancy Hart, aged sixty-nine, a sister of Mrs. Slavens, is also quite iII. Mrs. Slavens was the mother of six children, five of them living, of whom four are daughters and one son. With her husband she has resided in this county for a long number of years at Portland Mills, Greencastle and Brick Chapel. The family have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in their hours of bereavement.
Greencastle (Indiana) Daily Banner-Times, February 25, 1897.