Walter Slavin, the five-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Slavin, died this morning from the effects of heart trouble that baffled the best medical science.
The child was taken ill before the Christmas holidays, when he suffered from swollen joints, but a physician's care seemed to overcome the trouble and the little fellow was up and around for the celebration of the birth of the Child Jesus. He was particularly pleased with his gifts from a generous Santa Claus and spent the holiday in full and absolute enjoyment to the great delight of his parents, whose anxiety, growing out of his recent illness, was allayed by what appeared a complete recovery and restoration of the brightness of youth that had been temporarily submerged in suffering.
The change was only a brief respite, for with the coming of the new year, he was attacked again by twinges of pain that kept him confined to his bed. He proved a little hero and wore a smile all through the ordeal, which was watched with poignant agony by father and mother, who gave their unremitting attention day and night. It seemed a hopeless fight, but parental affection, strengthened by hope for the weakening offspring kept the light of faith burning until the eyes of Walter closed in death early this morning.
The ailment is professionally described as rheumatism endocarditis, or inflammation of the left ventricle of the heart.
Walter Slavin was born in Goldfield, September, 1908, and was his mother's little step-saver, always on the alert to see what he could do to help and, with a precocity that was remarkable to anticipate every wish of his mother in the round of household cares.
Interment will be made in the local cemetery Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Catholic service.
Mr. and Mrs. Slavin have the sympathy of everybody in Tonopah in this bereavement, which the third that has taken place in the family, two other children having been buried at Canon City, Col.
Tonopah (Nevada) Daily Bonanza, January 31, 1914.