Columbus, November 22-- Crushed between two freight cars in the N.&W. avenue yards late Saturday, William A. Slavens, 49, of Columbus, a brakeman, died Sunday morning in Mt. Carmel hospital.
Mr. Slavens' legs were crushed as he climbed from the moving freight train as it pulled into the yard. One leg was amputated in the attempt to save his life.
Mr. Slavens was a member of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen and the Eastgate lodge of Masons.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Florence Slavens, a son, H. Edison Slavens; two daughters, Mrs. Dorothy S. Entswinger and Miss Irene Slavens, and one grandchild. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Schoedinger's chapel with burial in East Lawn cemetery.
Portsmouth (Ohio) Times, November 22, 1937.