
Excerpts from the Brooklyn Eagle.

The Brooklyn (New York) Public Library has put online a large collection of scanned items from The Brooklyn Eagle, a daily newspaper in New York in the late 19th century. Items dealing with Slaven/Slavin/Slevin are being transcribed and offered up here.

As would be expected in a metro newspaper of the time, many of the items deal with petty crimes. After debating the matter awhile, we decided that they too should be offered up here. For one thing, a petty crime committed by an ancestor 100-150 years ago shouldn't be an embarassment to current-day descendant, even in the unlike event that a descendant could be readily identified. Yet, for someone searching for an ancestor, these tidbits could be the seed that eventually bears fruit. Addresses are usually listed in the item, and with the name and date, could help someone identify a potential ancestor. Court or imprisonment records might be available for research. For these reasons, they are available here.

Desperate Assault. Slaven Moyamensing, Pennsylvania, October 1850.
Serious Riot at Williamsburgh. James Slavin,
Patrick Slavin
December 1853.
A Runover Case. Patrick Slaven September 1860.
Kicking a Woman's Teeth Out. John Slaven September 1860.
Arrest of a Desperado. Daniel Slavin October 1860.
Beat His Wife. John Slavin August 1864.
Robbing a Soldier. John Slaven April 1865.
Dangerous Assault With a Saucepan. Margaret Slavin August 1865.
Straw Fire. Frank Slavin June 1866.
Assaulted Boy. Christopher Slavin September 1867.
Petty Thefts. Thomas Slavin October 1867.
Alleged Felonious Assault. Thomas Slavin April 1869.
Alleged Illegal Arrest. Michael Slavin June 1870.
Derelict Bell-Ringers. Slavin March 7, 1871.
Sensation at Pearsall's Corner. Richard Slavin November 1872.
Runaway Accident. Thomas Slavin January 1873.
Liquor Store Incident. Bridget Slavin March 1873.
Domestic Episode. Edwin Slavin, Lowell, Massachusetts March 1873.
A Serious Mistake. Edward Slavin November 1874.
Suspicious Characters. Michael Slavin November 1877.
A Minister's Assailant Released. William Slavin July 1878.
Two Men Injured. Charles Slavin September 1880.
"Queer" Money Solomon Slevin July 1881.
Fined Thirty Dollars. William Slavin December 1882.
A Pennsylvania Prizefight. Tom Slavin Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania, April 1883.
He Stole Three Shirts. Hugh Slavin January 1887.
Kate Slavin's Crime. Kate Slavin October 1884.
Suspected on Robbing Saloon. William Slavin April 1888.
Arrested for Reckless Driving. Lawrence Slavin May 1889.
Fired Three Shots at Him. Hugh Slavin December 1889.
Sent Slaven to Penitentiary. Edward, Mary Slaven May 1891.
Was Fanny Really a Shoplifter? Fanny Slavin August 1891.
An Alleged Burglar Arraigned. Henry Slavin April 1892.
Slavin Hanged. James Slavin Cornwall, Ontario, September 1892.
No Trace of Missing Scow. John Slavin June 1894.
Did the Priest Command It? John Slavin December 1894.
Came to Grief at Freeport. Anthony Slavin September 1896.
Slavin Lost in the Wild. Frank Slavin Alaska, August 1897.
Tells a Tale of Burglary. Joseph Slavin November 1898.
Succeeds Dr. Slavin. James Slavin March 1899.
Two Women Arrested. Catharine and Kittie Slavin July 1899.
Offered Counterfeit Bill. Hugh Slavin April 1900.
Suspected of Robbing Saloon. Hugh Slavin November 1900.
Classified Ads. Slavin various dates.

Items from the New York (New York) Herald.

Fight. John, Edward Slavin June 1870.
Married. Ann Slavin January 1870.
Married. Thomas Slevin February 1870.
Police Trial. Ann, Mary Slavin June 1870.

Copyright © 2004 Larry Slavens. All rights reserved.